Not Enough Trials

Not Enough Trials

Mod and data pack

A completely overhauled trial chambers

Server Adventure MobsWorld Generation

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"the ultimate adventure" -some guy from Hungary

Not Enough Trials is a mod or datapack that completely revamps the trial chambers. The goal is to add more content, mechanics and variety while refining the difficulty and rewards to be more consistent.

  • Redesigned chambers
  • 4 new original chambers
  • Huge mob variety
  • Restructured and rebalanced loot
  • Boss chambers

General Changes

  • Rooms are generally more open to get rid of the maze-like traversal of the original
  • Every chamber generates consistently instead of constantly colliding into eachother, ending hallways with just dead ends
  • Wind charge usage is more encouraged, from activating out of reach buttons to more effeciently opening groups of trapdoors
  • Dispensers are way more powerful so that you can strategically use them against enemies
  • Every block of chiseled copper activates something when scraped, so scrape every one you see!
  • Luck potions can be found in secret rooms, and its effect increases vault loot
  • The structure no longer forces itself to be covered in blocks, so you can find a trial chambers easier while mining
  • Each chamber will always have exactly 4 spawners (gives more consistency to the amount of keys you get per structure)



Corridor Bottom FloorCorridor Middle FloorCorridor Top Floor

  • Pots, vaults and doors to chambers line the walls
  • Arrow and fire charge dispensers that can be shot at spawners
  • Only part of the structure where the amount of spawners are random
  • Dripstone can generate on the bottom to punish falling from the higher levels
  • Spawners can have zombie variants, skeleton variants, spiders, slimes and pillagers

Ledge (originally called chamber 1)

  • Similar ledge layout but platforms are lower
  • Normal spawners: skeleton variants
  • Tough spawner: jockeys

Trench (originally called chamber 2)

  • Original was just ledge but with powder snow, this is a new layout with a powder snow pit on the bottom
  • Holes and trapdoors to drop down mobs
  • NS: zombie variants, spiders, zoglins
  • TS: big slimes

Cubic (originally called chamber 4)

  • Basic layout like original but randomly generated
  • NS: zombie variants, zoglins, slimes
  • TS: wither skeletons

Crawl (originally called chamber 8)

  • Mostly unchanged from original but added wind charge launchers to get to the next floor for fun
  • NS: skeleton variants
  • TS: ranged wither skeletons


  • Press every button on all 4 sides of the room to make lava pour from the center in a guided path
  • NS: vindicators, slimes, pillagers
  • TS: breezes


  • Try to cross the gap to the spawners with trapdoors and unique extending platforms
  • NS: slimes, pillagers, phantoms
  • TS: witches (remember: honey bottles cure poison)


  • Fight a breeze on the bottom, climb up the parkour section at the back, then fight ranged mobs on the hanging platforms at the top
  • Bottom section has traps for breezes to trigger such as potion dispensers, trapdoor pits, and deadly rocket dispensers
  • Throw wind charge on the hanging platforms to expand their size
  • NS: zombie variants (bottom), skeleton variants, pillagers (top)
  • TS: breezes


  • Chamber is split into mini chambers in each corner designed for fighting a specific mob type
  • More of a maze-like layout between enemy rooms
  • NS: skeleton variants, spiders, phantoms, vindicators, drowned, creepers
  • TS: vexes

Ladder (new!)

  • Climb up the ladder of platforms, each with a spawner, along with blazes shooting at you from the top
  • Create staircases with the chiseled copper mechanic
  • Knock mobs down the middle to land on dripstone
  • NS: spiders, zoglins, pillagers, slimes
  • TS: blazes

Channel (new!)

  • Water themed chamber
  • Soul sand shoots mobs above water incase you try to escape
  • NS: drowned, trident drowned
  • TS: guardians

Crash (new!)

  • Explosive themed chamber about destroying the terrain you fight on
  • Chamber is trapped to punish reckless explosions
  • Ghasts shoot you while kept in place
  • NS: creepers, zombies
  • TS: ghasts

Cargo (new!)

  • Mobs and the player can ride along constantly shifting rails
  • Activate the secret to ride to the top rails and fight the tough spawner
  • NS: skeleton variants, pillagers, spiders, phantoms
  • TS: rocket pillagers



 All mobs are split into the "normal" and "tough" category. Each chamber has 3 normal mob spawners and 1 tough mob spawner. A good amount of the mobs have been altered for balance and convenience.
("O." is short for "ominous")

Normal category

  O. adds rebalanced armor and ench. bows
  O. adds rebalanced armor and ench. bows
  O. changes some spiders to cave spiders
  O. changes to magma cubes
  O. crossbows gain multishot and quick charge
  Base attacks with hands
  O. gains wooden sword
  O. increases damage and knockback
  O. changes to (nerfed) charged creepers
Trident Drowned
(baby zombies and silverfish are completely removed)

Tough category

  O. changes to stray riding cave spider
Big slimes
  O. changes to magma cubes
Wither skeletons
  O. adds iron armor and iron swords
Ranged wither skeletons
  O. adds iron armor and ench. bows
  Always kept still in a cage
  O. has more powerful explosions
  O. increases damage
  Glowing, has a larger hitbox, dies after a bit of time if it gets lost
  O. gets diamond sword

Rocket pillagers



Base vaults are split into three: armor, valuables, and weapons. This will let you (partially) customize your loot and opt out of stuff you don't want. All 3 vault types will always be found grouped together. The structure will generate plenty of these incase a player wants to use all of their keys on only one category. Luck adds a 33% chance to dispense double the loot. Aesthetic based loot (sherds, banner patterns, trims) are moved to hidden chests in intersections so that they don't get in the way of the more useful vault loot.

Armor table

One of:
35% - Piece of iron armor (any enchants except for frost walker, swift sneak, soul speed and mending)
20% - Armor book (protection, feather falling, respiration, thorns, depth strider, aqua affinity)
20% - Shield (unbreaking 1-3, half chance of mending)
13% - Piece of diamond armor (same as iron)
6% - Turtle helmet (unbreaking 1-3)
6% - Turtle master potion

Valuables table

One of:
33% - 6-8 Emeralds
33% - 6-8 Iron ingots
13% - 2-4 Diamonds
13% - Random book (any enchants, levels 13-18)
8% - Golden apple

Weapons table

One of:
30% - 8-12 Spectral arrows
30% - 8-12 Tipped arrows (slowness, weakness, long poison)
10% - Iron axe (sharpness 1-3, unbreaking 1-3)
9% - Bow (unbreaking, punch, power)
9% - Crossbow (unbreaking, quick charge, piercing)
4% - Diamond axe (sharpness 1-2, unbreaking 0-2)
4% - Trident book (impaling, loyalty, riptide)
4% - Sword book (sharpness, fire aspect, knockback, sweeping edge)

Ominous vaults are still a single category. You will get both types of keys from ominous spawners so the ominous vaults will act as an enhancement to the loot the other vaults give you. 

Ominous table

One of:
100% - 4-12 Wind charges

One of: 
33% - Ominous bottle (level 1-3)

One of (if player has luck effect):
40% - Luck potion

One of:
13% - Iron block
13% - Emerald block
11% - Diamond axe (sharpness 1-4, unbreaking 1-3)
11% - Piece of diamond armor (same enchants from armor table, but higher levels)
10% - Bow (any enchants levels 20-25)
10% - Crossbow (any enchants levels 20-25)
10% - 4-12 Tipped arrow (Harming 2)
6% - Mace book (breach 1-3 with wind burst 1 or density 1-3 with wind burst 1)
6% - Rare enchant book (too many to list)
6% - Mending book
4% - Enchanted golden apple

One of:
22% - 6-8 Iron ingots
22% - 6-8 Emeralds
14% - 4-12 Tipped arrows (slowness 2)
13% - Golden apple
13% - Common enchant book (sharpness, protection, efficiency, power, piercing, unbreaking)
8% - 6-8 Diamonds
8% - 1-3 Ender pearls

Pots can hold wind charges or less valuable ores, such as lapis, copper and redstone. You'd likely find this structure while mining, so this is meant to synergize with that. 

Tridents and heavy cores are reserved for bosses. Once defeated, the main boss spawner will dispense a trident on normal difficulty or a heavy core on ominous. This gives you a 100% chance of getting these items per trial chamber (unlike the very low chances per vault from vanilla) in exchange of the added difficulty from the bosses.

Food will be dropped by tough mobs instead of them filling up vault loot tables. 

This is something I particularly want to balance well, so feedback would be appreciated!



There are 4 different boss chambers at the end of every trial chambers, each with unique mechanics and difficult mobs. I want most of these to stay a surprise so I won't go into much detail here. Defeating a boss on normal difficulty will reward each player a trident. Ominous difficulty will give a heavy core instead. 


use this in a modpack idc

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Licensed MIT
Published 4 months ago
Updated 3 months ago