Systems, tweaks fixes and additons BV1.6
Updated Jadas terrain slighty again
Added some more advancments
Added a new solar system
Added Mixeus, Flade, Dread and Glaices
Added all space station repices for everything before this update
Added 2 new structures on Galia
Fixed Galia genrating normal coal ore instead of venus coal ore (I forgot venus coal ore existed)
Fixed Vulcans and Fierers Orbit skybox
Fixed the fog on Jada not being diffrant from the sky
Updated most skyboxes again being the glow and fixing orbits
Updated Galias texture slighty
Updated Vulcans biome placement slighty
Updated Jadas biome placement
Remade Jadas texture as it was the first one made
Updated Vulcans Fierer, texture
Fixed water just evaporating on some planets/moons
Fixed Europas orbit being Diaters
Remade Jada's texture
Made a compat pack with Thermal and space
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