Per-Player Displays

Data pack

A Minecraft Data Pack library for player-specific display entities.

Server LibraryManagementTechnologyUtility

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Per-Player Displays

A Minecraft Data Pack library that lets you create display entities that are only visible to one player.
For inquiries, please contact @silicatYT on Discord.

Download: Modrinth
Source code: GitHub

How to use

A detailed description can be found in the ppd:how_to function.

  1. Create the following entity stack:
    • Display Entity
    • Area Effect Cloud
  2. Required data:
    • Display Entity: {view_range:0.003f}
    • Area Effect Cloud: {Radius:0f,RadiusOnUse:-1f,Duration:2147483647,Owner:[<Your UUID>],Tags:["ppd"]}
  3. Set the display entity's ppd.Pos.<0,1,2> scores, scaled up by 10,000x.

summon minecraft:block_display ~ ~ ~ {block_state:{Name:"minecraft:iron_block"},view_range:0.003f,Passengers:[{id:"minecraft:area_effect_cloud",Radius:0f,RadiusOnUse:-1f,Duration:2147483647,Owner:[I;1101629270,-853851629,-1258987245,63230154],Tags:["ppd"]}]}

How it works

PPD teleports your display entities into your head and sets their translation transformation accordingly so their models still appear at the desired location. It also sets their view_range NBT optimally to ensure that nobody else can see them, while also avoiding flickering if you move too fast.

Good to know

  • High ping, bad server performance or the Entity Distance graphics setting can impact the visibility of displays. This can be counteracted by the user by running /trigger ppd.ViewRangeMultiplier set .... The higher it is set, the bigger the range for other players to see your display entities.
  • Display entities will only be displayed in the dimension it's summoned in.
  • Display entities will stay while the player is offline, but it won't be visible.
  • Display entities will not display farther than 160 blocks away from the destination position.


  • If another player stands very close to you, they may be able to see your display entities.
  • The display entities receive the light from your head position, so it may look off at times.
  • PPD uses the translation field to achieve the per-player visibility. This means that all translations need to be combined with the marker's destination Pos. Interpolated transformations are not possible!
  • The display entity's Rotation must not be changed. Use the left_rotation and right_rotation transformations instead.
  • The display entities are not visible in F5.
  • PPD doesn't work more than 100,000 blocks out in each axis.
  • If the player is teleported to a far away chunk and it unloads before the display entities can teleport to the player, the entity can get stuck there, so the displays no longer show up for that player.
  • Billboards other than fixed are not supported.


From CMDred:

  • SilicatYT


As per the MIT License, you are allowed to redistribute, modify and use PPD as long as you provide credit for the original work.

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 4 months ago
Updated 3 months ago