Changed Gorochu's ID to gorochu_scrappedmons in order for this pack to be fully compatible with other packs that also add Gorochu - If you previously owned a Gorochu from 1.0, it will disappear in the new version, sorry!
Made Scuta and Mantiverous findable via fishing in Rivers - it can still be found the old way too
Added Tumbell and its evolution Sproutopod, found in arid biomes. Tumbell must reach high frienship and visit a floral biome in order to evolve.
Added Feistling and its evolution Cassowrath, found in Savannas. Feistling must reach high friendship in order to evolve.
Added Tentango and Umamirage, found in non-deep oceans and also via fishing in beaches. Tentango must learn the move Recycle in order to evolve.
Made every Pokémon compatible with the new Pokédex in Cobblemon 1.6
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