Kube Utils

Kube Utils


Adds helper utilities and new features to KubeJS in a clean, concise and consistent API design

Client and server ManagementUtility

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Kube Utils

Kube Utils is a simple addon to KubeJS which adds new functionality to existing features and branches off to create new systems that allow for more performant, simplified, and concise code.

How it works

Kube Utils (Ku from now on) has been designed with the concept of a clear, concise, and consistent API like design. Everything added by this mod is held within the global Ku object meaning if you want to access level apis, you will access it via Ku.Level, if you want to do something with fluids you will use Ku.Fluids etc.


Currently, we only have a few helpers to some of the lesser supported areas of KubeJS but we plan to expand this greatly over the life cycle of the systems development. If you have any suggestions, please make a feature request!

  • Level additions like being able to get structures at a block pos, ability to spawn structures, find entities and clear spaces, get a random location with a bounding box, etc.
  • Fluids, allow you to get a list of fluids based on their namespace(s), and being able to check if a fluid is empty or not.
  • List additions like getting random entries based on a weighted table
  • The addition of general utilities like nullOrEmpty which gives you a very simply way to always know if an object is nullOrEmpty whether it's a item, block, itemstack, string, fluid or itemEntity! (more support to come as required)
  • Completely documented code
  • Production validated
  • Clear and simple API

Our goals

  • We aim to never make breaking changes unless absolutely forced to by Minecraft, Forge or Fabric. At the point we feel we need to branch off and make breaking changes, it will be done in an optional way that will not affect existing code.
  • Never to make the additions overly complex
  • Always document the additions in plain English




Disclaimer, whist in beta, expect possible code breaking changes. Once we hit stable release, this message will be removed and from that point onwards, the code will not contain breaking changes!


Please report any issues to our issue tracker along with example code so we can validate the issues.

Project members






Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published a year ago
Updated 21 days ago