The premise
This extremely lightweight addon mod aims to give you a seamless and bloatless way of producing diamonds reliably, with no mining needed. It is quite costly though!
It is meant to be survival friendly and not OP in any way.
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New items
Graphite Powder
Made from blasting coal or charcoal, used for the production of graphite.
Made from graphite powder through the process of compacting in a heated basin. When compacted in a superheated basin, it has a really low chance of turning into a diamond.
Impure Diamond
Compacting superheated graphite will sometimes result in an impure product. You can throw it away, or recycle some of it back into graphite powder to make your factory more efficient!
New Recipes
Netherrack cycling
Self-sustainable blaze cake automation is now possible thanks to netherrack cycling, where gravel and lava are used to multiply your netherrack.
High temperature compacting
This is the main process behind your self-sustainable diamond production, where graphite becomes diamond at an extremely low rate.
Graphite powder compacting
Not much to say here, this turns your graphite powder into solid graphite.
Impure diamond recycling
This process lets you reuse some of your impure diamonds for powdered graphite and experience.
Coal blasting
This process converts your coal (or charcoal!) into powdered graphite.