Double Hotbar
Minecraft mod that expands the HUD and allows hotbar swapping.
Fully client side! Works on vanilla servers
Fabric version supports Minecraft 1.17.1 - 1.21.3 (Requires the Fabric API and Cloth Config API to work)
Forge version supports Minecraft 1.18.2 - 1.20.1 (No APIs required)
If there is interest in a Neoforge port please create a github issue specifying which versions
Adds another hotbar that displays and allows you to use an additional row of the inventory.
Switch which hotbar is active by pressing R. (Hotkey can be changed in game settings)
Second hotbar can be hidden or changed to a different row in the inventory using the mod config
1.18.2+ ONLY: A single stack can be swapped by double tapping the slot number or by holding the swap key (Default: R)
Highly customizable options to maximize compatibility
Note: Fabric-v1.3.0+ requires fabric loader 0.14.9 or greater. If you have an old 1.18.2 instance you may have issues launching due to an outdated fabric loader
Some older, unmaintained versions available on curseforge