IndyPets - Independent Pets

IndyPets - Independent Pets


Free your pets from the curse of having to sit, let 'em roam!

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IndyPets - Independent Pets

Free your pets from the curse of having to sit down, let 'em roam! 🐱🦜🐺

Independent pets won't follow or teleport to you but roam around, doing their own thing!
Right Click to cycle between sitting, following, and independent.
Shift + Right Click to toggle following and independent directly.
Whistle/Unwhistle (J) to toggle all your nearby pets - rally your army!

Pets have a home where they won't stray too far off. "Home" is where they were last set independent.

Goat Horns can be configured as a whistle as well! Each horn can be set individually with different settings:
Whistle only, Unwhistle only, Toggle (which alternates between whistling and unwhistling) and Whistle / Sneak Unwhistle (which whistles while standing and unwhistles while sneaking).

The mod can work completely server-only.
Vanilla clients can use /indypets whistle and unwhistle commands and
/indypets config get to view and set change some basic settings and help get descriptions.
The /indypets horn <horn_type> <setting> command allows to configure each Goat Horn as a whistle.
/indypets horn by itself prints all current horn settings.
It is recommended to install the mod client-side too for whistle and interact hotkeys, whistle sound effects, translated status messages and more config options.

In case (Shift +) Right Click conflicts with other mods or modded pets, try IndyPets' Interact hotkey (H) or one of the many compatibility options in the config.

  • for Fabric Minecraft 1.16 and above
  • requires Cloth Config, Fabric API and Mod Menu to access the client config Originally developed by lizin5ths, now officially continued by yours truly.

Old description for 1.3.5 found here

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Licensed MIT
Published 4 years ago
Updated 18 days ago