Adds a large array of new Item Model Predicates that can check if The player has just taken damage, The world is in Hardcore, or the player can see the sky. To name a few.
These are all the currently available predicates:
"mimp:slot_offhand" [If the Item is in the Offhand slot]
"mimp:slot_mainhand" [If the Item is in the Mainhand slot]
"mimp:slot_head" [If the Item is in the Helmet slot]
"mimp:slot_chest" [If the Item is in the Chestplate slot]
"mimp:slot_legs" [If the Item is in the Leggings slot]
"mimp:slot_feet" [If the Item is in the Boots slot]
"mimp:world_raining" [If the weather is currently set to rain]
"mimp:world_thundering" [If the weather is currently set to thunder]
"mimp:world_is_peaceful" [If the World Difficulty is Peaceful]
"mimp:world_is_easy" [If the World Difficulty is Easy]
"mimp:world_is_normal" [If the World Difficulty is Normal]
"mimp:world_is_hard" [If the World Difficulty is Hard]
"mimp:world_is_hardcore" [If the World is set to Hardcore]
"mimp:owner_health" [Tracks the Owner's current health]
"mimp:owner_hurt" [Ticks when the Owner takes damage]
"mimp:owner_on_fire" [If the Owner is on Fire]
"mimp:owner_sneaking" [If the Owner is Sneaking]
"mimp:owner_sprinting" [If the Owner is Sprinting (And NOT Swimming)]
"mimp:owner_swimming" [If the Owner is Swimming]
"mimp:owner_wet" [If the Owner is Touching Water]
"mimp:owner_can_see_sky" [If the Owner exposed to the Sky (No Blocks Above)]