What is Reeling Scythes about?
Reeling Scythes was originaly going to only contain scythes but it slowly branched out to contain even more weapons then originaly intended.
What does it add?
It adds weapons such as scythes, halberds and claws with custom abilities originally made for the enchancement mod! Scythes that pull entity's closer to you, Halberds with more reach and much more are in store for your adventures!
Recommended mods:
Altho not necessary Reeling Scythes has always been play tested with the Enchancement mod, so keep that in mind while playing.
Another mod that is great for playing Reeling Scythes with is CIT Resewn as it allows you to rename the scythes for different textures, here are some of the best ones:
"Bad Scythe" (makes it have the scrapped beta texture)
"Candy Scythe" (makes it look like a candy cane)
"Val's Scythe" (makes the blade look red)
"Carrot Scythe" (makes it look like a carrot)
"Netherite Hook" (scrapped weapon texture) (only for netherite Scythes)
"baguette" (makes it look like a baguette)
and a secret one that no one knows about unless you get a mod called RP Renames to view all the custom textures in an anvil!