AFK Display
Free and open-source datapack for Minecraft 1.21 and higher that displays whether a player is afk or not next to their nickname.
If you remain afk (i.e. he doesn't move at all) between 2 minutes 30 seconds and 5 minutes, you will be added to the afk team. Belonging to this afk team adds you after your nickname: [AFK].
This status will be automatically displayed next to each nickname in a list or sidebar or in the chat if the player speaks while afk.
If you move again while assigned to the afk team, you will be removed from that team and the [AFK] next to your nickname will be automatically deleted.
You can use the /trigger afk command to display afk for other players.
To uninstall the datapack, simply run the following command : /function afk_display:uninstall