


A backport of vanilla Minecraft's offhand for 1.7.10

Client and server EquipmentGame MechanicsUtility

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New features:

  • Added a slot to the inventory where the offhand item can be placed. This is configurable! If experiencing compatibility issues, try disabling this feature.
  • Et Futurum's totem of undying now works in the offhand.
  • Added JinRyuu's mods compatibility for rendering an emtpy offhand.
  • If using an axe in the mainhand and a log is highlighted, the mainhand action takes precedence. Same for shovels & dirt.
  • Updated ingame mod info, rendering an empty offhand is now configurable from the mod menu.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed items not breaking in the offhand.
  • Fixed offhand item being moved back into the main inventory on login when empty offhand use is disabled.
  • Fixed items moving around in the hotbar when moving an item into the offhand while InventoryTweaks is installed.
  • Fixed offhand items vanishing on pickup in survival mode if the player's inventory is full.
  • Fixed some items vanishing on offhand use.
  • Fixed not being able to attack with an empty offhand
  • Fixed being able to break blocks behind an entity being attacked with the offhand.

Visual Fixes:

  • Fixed offhand and sometimes even mainhand clipping through blocks when using Optifine.
  • Fixed right hand's lighting being disabled.
  • First person offhand is now rendered directly after the mainhand renders.
  • The offhand item no longer shows up on the first main hotbar slot while in creative mode's survival inventory GUI.
  • Fixed inventory GUI darkening when eating or drinking with the offhand.


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Licensed MIT
Created 3 years ago
Updated 8 months ago