In this mode you will find several new mobs that will be worthy of the attention of your villagers. animals and yourself. 1.Goblin. They usually spawn 4 to 8 mobs and attack them with their front. with sticks2. Vampire. It is enough for a fast mob to apply the new “Thirst” effect to you upon collision. 3. Suspicious merchant. He will sell you various items for glowing sheets, without considering any processing options. animals and will look at the residents suspiciously... It’s better not to hit him.4.Jack's plant. Even if they build in the forest or under any circumstances, they also like darkness and rules, so if you want glowing leaves, go to caves. 5. Jack's henchman. If you decide to kill the “Plant”, then these creatures will greatly enhance its effect. "Burning", from which the player will suffer greatly if he does not have milk, but there is only one outcome - death. 6. Ghost horse. You should definitely look for it in the forest if you have the opportunity. catch up with him and receive a prize gift. This is especially for the mind, which has cool fashionable mechanics and each mob has your special animation. Explore the world at night and find out what's behind you. these monsters are hiding. BE SURE TO DOWNLOAD "MOD GECKOLIB":