Extra Damage Enchantments

Extra Damage Enchantments


Lets you control Damage Enchants with datapack tags. Also adds 5 extra enchantments with their own groups. Part of the Combat+ collection.

Client and server EquipmentGame Mechanics Mobs

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Extra Damage Enchantments


A modpack utility mod masquerading as an enchantment mod. Extra Damage Enchantments connects datapacks to the "entity group" system used by enchantments like Smite. And additionally adds 5 new damaging enchantments to make use of the new system.

An issue with modpacks is that new mobs often don't fall into the vanilla categories of undead, arthropod, and aquatic. ExtraDE adds 5 additional categories that cover the majority of use-cases.
Each category, along with the vanilla groupings, is a datapack tag. This creates a convenient compatibility layer for modpacks to use and add additional mobs.

ExtraDE also adds custom group icons for Provi's Health Bars. Using PHB will also grant new custom health bar portraits.

New Groups and Enchantments

Group Enchantment Entity Tag Example Mobs
Humanoid Rebel extra-damage-enchantments:humanoid Players, Witches, Piglins
Outerworldly Voidrender extra-damage-enchantments:outerworldly Endermen, Shulkers, Ender Dragon
Arcane Unravel extra-damage-enchantments:arcane Allays, Blazes, Vexes
Fungifloral Herbicide extra-damage-enchantments:fungifloral Creepers, Wardens
Beastly Butcher extra-damage-enchantments:beastly Cows, Hoglins, Ravagers

Each enchantment is incompatible with Sharpness, each other, and other damage enchantments such as Smite.

For PvP balancing, there is additionally a gamerule that controls how effective special (non-Sharpness) damage enchantments are against players.

Datapack Information

ExtraDE allows you to add any mob (even modded ones) into the extra or even vanilla entity groups via Minecraft's tag system, check the mod wiki for more information.


Feel free to add this mod to any modpacks. ExtraDE is a cross between enchantments and modpack utility afterall.

Origins Addon

If you are setting up an Origins modpack, consider also adding ExtraDE Origins Addon. This addon creates a new power type called extrade:entity_group, which allows any Origin to be assigned to one of the entity groups created by ExtraDE.
This benefits both roleplay/lore and pvp balancing by creating a universal weakness system for all members. (Note that players are classified as "humanoid" by default.)

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 3 months ago