Fixes & Changes:
Apostle's are now unable to regenerate health for a certain amount time if damaged by an item enchanted with Smite. The time that the Apostle can't regenerate depends on the level of Smite Enchantment.
Players can see the time where the Apostle can't regenerate on the custom Boss Bar.
Abhorrent Titled Apostles no longer get Health Boost. Instead, the shoot Arrows tipped with Harming Effect. If their target is Undead, the arrows will be tipped with Healing Effect.
Pyre Lord Titled Apostles' arrows now inflicts Burn Hex.
Apostles can no longer be effected by harmful Potion Effects.
Apostles make no Ambient Sounds when not attacking. They are also less frequently make Ambient Sounds compared to before when attacking. This change is to make them more ominous.
Apostles will shoot Grand Fireballs in first phase if difficulty is on Hard.
Apostle Spell Damage (ie, Fire Tornadoes, Fire Blasts, Roar, etc) can now be configured in goety.attributes.toml.
Apostles no longer damage Witches if they're in Water.
Lightning spawned by Apostle's Lightning Trap now deals spell damage from the new configuration.
Apostles' Arrow Rain damage now uses Apostle Bow Damage config.
Apostles now give 1000 Experience instead of 200.
If Apostle is despawned instead of killed and there's a Storm, the Storm stops.
Malghasts will not move and stay in position when shooting a fireball instead of constantly moving. This is to make them more easier to hit.
Fixed Malghasts moving up in a straight line when not aggressive and after re-logging in.
Malghast summoned through Commands or Spawners are now automatically hostile to players.
Malghast summoned through Commands or Spawners now drop Ghast Loot.
Improved Ice Chunk Animation massively.
Slightly improved Ice Chunk Area of Effect vertically.
Fire Tornadoes don't fling Mobs with high Knockback Resistance too far. Mobs with 100% Knockback Resistance should not get fling at all.
Tweaked Forbidden Grass a bit to improve Mob Spawning.
Add new Particle effect on Rituals.
Improved Looting Explosion Visual/Sound.
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