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Fixes & Changes:

  • Having a tamed black cat (ones that spawn in Swamp Huts) nearby a Witch's Cauldron gives the player a chance of getting an extra brew.

  • Lowered Black Iron and Dark Helmet visual positions.

  • Enviokers no longer summon Tormentors or shoot Swords if they cannot see their target, they can still summon fangs however.

  • Tweaked Illager Assaults to not occur if player is 32 blocks below the surface and not expose to the sky.

  • Pulverize Spell can be enchanted with Radius, which allows blocks surrounding the picked block to be pulverized as well.

  • Thunderbolts from Thunderbolt Focus, can now have a chance of giving targets Tripping effect, and summon a Lightning Bolt on their location. Chance increases for both of them if cast within an open Thunderstorm.

  • Piglins will drop their heads when killed by a Player's fangs while wearing a high-level enchanted Ring of Want.

  • Updated Hyperfocus advancement to contain new recent focuses.

  • Improved Servant positions when summoned underground.

  • Variants of the Zombie and Skeleton Servants have their own configurable attribute blocks in goety-attributes.toml.

  • Zombie Servants and variants' natural armor points are now configurable.

  • If "starterTotem" is enabled on goety.toml, Players will receive Totems of Roots instead of Souls.

  • Reorganized Textures and texture paths for several mobs.

  • Improved Skeleton Servants and variants overlay texture and model.

  • Retextured Stray Servants to be more in line with the new Skeleton Servant variant textures.

  • Apostle servants will instantly die if their Apostle dies or despawns.

  • Fixed Witch Poles dropping itself if broken on their upper half on Creative Mode.


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  • Frozen and Jungle Zombie Servant Variants. Frozen Zombie Servants are summoned by casting Rotting Spell on an area that snows and Jungle Zombie Servants have 1/2 a chance of being summoned when casting on a Jungle Biome. Frozen Zombies throw Snowballs and gives Slowness like in MCD. Jungle Zombies have poison attack.

  • Mossy and Sunken Skeleton Servant Variants. Mossy Skeleton Servants have 1/2 a chance of being summoned when casting Osseous Spell on a Jungle Biome. Sunken Skeleton Servants are summoned when casting underwater and the initial spawn position is underwater as well. Mossy Skeletons shoot poison arrows like in MCD. Sunken Skeletons shoots with a Crossbow and shoots Harpoons that are unaffected by water.

  • Marble Blocks and variants. Obtained by placing Calcite on a Cursed Infuser, or surrounding a Totem of Roots/Souls with 8 Calcite.

  • Indented Gold Blocks. Obtained by surrounding a piece of Marble with 8 Gold Ingots.

  • Marble, Indented Gold and Jade blocks can be used to make a Sky Ritual setup, without the need of the Dark Altar to be 128 blocks or above.

  • Windswept Wooden blocks. Obtained by finding Windswept Trees on Mountain biomes much like Jade Ores. Purely decorative.

  • Steep Wooden blocks. Obtained by placing a Windswept Wood on a Cursed Infuser, or surrounding a Totem of Roots/Souls with 8 Windswept Wood. Purely decorative.

  • New Mini-Boss Respawning mechanic. Right-clicking on an unlocked Pithos or used Crystal Ball, that's within their original structure, with a Respawn Anchor will cause them to be able to resummon their bosses and, in the former case, regenerate loot. Each resummoning mechanic can be disabled through goety.toml. Idea came from Discord suggestion.

  • Telekinesis Focus. Makes an entity, that the caster is pointing at, float in front of them while casting. If caster takes damage, they will stop casting the spell and cannot cast it for the next 5 seconds. Initially, can only hold entities that are smaller or similar size towards the caster. Doesn't work on entities that have equal or more 100 max health (by default), or part of the "telekinesisBlackList" config on goety-spells.toml.

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Published 2 years ago
Updated 7 days ago