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Goety 2.8.0


Fixes & Changes:


  • Apostle's are now unable to regenerate health for a certain amount time if damaged by an item enchanted with Smite. The time that the Apostle can't regenerate depends on the level of Smite Enchantment.

  • Players can see the time where the Apostle can't regenerate on the custom Boss Bar.

  • Abhorrent Titled Apostles no longer get Health Boost. Instead, the shoot Arrows tipped with Harming Effect. If their target is Undead, the arrows will be tipped with Healing Effect.

  • Pyre Lord Titled Apostles' arrows now inflicts Burn Hex.

  • Apostles can no longer be effected by harmful Potion Effects.

  • Apostles make no Ambient Sounds when not attacking. They are also less frequently make Ambient Sounds compared to before when attacking. This change is to make them more ominous.

  • Apostles will shoot Grand Lavaballs in first phase if difficulty is on Hard.

  • Apostle Spell Damage (ie, Fire Tornadoes, Fire Blasts, Roar, etc) can now be configured in goety.attributes.toml.

  • Apostles will immediately attack Wardens that are targeting them.

  • Apostles no longer damage Witches if they're in Water.

  • Lightning spawned by Apostle's Lightning Trap now deals spell damage from the new configuration.

  • Apostles' Arrow Rain damage now uses Apostle Bow Damage config.

  • Apostles now give 1000 Experience instead of 200.


  • Fixed Malghast's Grand Lavaballs not doing any terrain damage. They now do, but only if Mob Griefing is enabled.

  • Malghasts will not move and stay in position when shooting a fireball instead of constantly moving. This is to make them more easier to hit.

  • Malghast shooting animation is tweaked to be more similar to the old Vanilla Ghast animation before 1.3.1 version.

  • Fixed Malghast Hitbox being very wonky when its not looking horizontally.

  • Fixed Malghasts moving up in a straight line when not aggressive and after re-logging in.


  • Fixed Rampaging Axe bug where Players can activate Axe Explosion prematurely (It's suppose to activate once the Player obtains Rampage V).

  • Tweaked Forbidden Grass a bit to improve Mob Spawning.

  • Some spelling corrections in the Black Book.


  • Wayfarer's Belt. A new Belt Curio that allows you to move a bit faster, jump two blocks high and move up a block when walking. Crafted with some Leather, a Gale Fabric and a Gold Ingot on Magic Ritual.

  • Targeting Monocle. A Head Curio that allows Players to automatically lock on to a mob they are looking at when using a Wand or Staff. Crafted using a Glass Pane, some Leather, an Ectoplasm and a Gold Ingot on Magic Ritual.

  • Magic Sword Focus. Focus allows the caster to shoot out a copy of their Sword at a location or mob. Requires the caster to hold a Sword either offhand or on main hand to cast the spell. Uses said Swords durability with each cast.

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 7 days ago