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Legacy Minecraft [Fabric] 1.20.4-1.5a


Release 1.20.4-1.5a

Updated at 2024-03-17 08:28.
Release 1.20.4-1.5a

-Fixed crash when opening Crafting Interface
-Added missing translations
Release 1.20.4-1.5

-Added files I forgot to commit
Release 1.20.4-1.5

-Added tip overrides for logs, woods, planks and signs
-Added Tipped Arrow and Colored Shulker Box custom recipes for the Crafting Interface
-Added Interface Resolution slider in User Interface section to fix artifacts in some resolutions
-Added Display Name Tag Border option in Game Options section
-Added progressive slider movement with directional, basically the longer you hold the faster it'll change now
-Added /legacyTip command to create custom tips and send tips for the players, unfortunately the created tips aren't saved in the world data for now
-Added Keyboard and Controller tooltips, with basically all the tooltip actions from LE
-Added a Controller Icons slider in Interface section, which allows you to select between icons for: Xbox 360 Edition, Xbox One Edition, Playstation 3 Edition, Playstation 4 Edition, Wii U Edition and cloud54's Steam Edition (thanks cloud54 for making it exclusively for Legacy4J)
-Added Control Tooltip Manager, that manages simple Json files in namespace:control_tooltips/gui directory to allow adding control tooltips to In-Game GUI, but limited for tags and ids for now
-Added Keyboard tooltip icons for the keys in Key Binds screen
-Added Show Craftable Recipes option for the Crafting Interface
-Reverted map size to be more similar to the "next-gen" version of LE (PS4, Switch and Xbox One)
-Tweaked a bit the Pointer movement in slots
-Added better icons for Redstone & Transport, Decoration and Armour tabs, thanks again to cloud54 for making them
-Optimized the Pointer Panel a bit (hint backgrounds/legacy tips)
-Enhanced Server button in Play Game screen
-Fixed Load Save/Create World screen not saving additional options when using a controller to load/create the world
-Fixed eating animation with low frame rate
-Fixed boat navigation with controller
-Fixed Spyglass camera movement with controller
-Fixed Inventory Key Mapping collapsing with Crafting Key Mapping when loading vanilla(non-modded) options
-Fixed stuttering when opening the Creative Mode Screen
-and a lot of minor fixes...
Release 1.20.4-1.4.4

-Added tip overrides for tools, stairs, slabs ingots and smithing templates
-Added LE Intro screen (skippable like in LE)
-Added Main Menu Autosave message
-Improved Pointer movement in slots
-Removed main dirt background, replaced by LE panorama when there is no level
-Removed Loading screen
-Fixed hidden resource packs showing in the Resource Pack Selector
-Fixed game freeze when selecting resource packs in the Load/Create World screen
-Fixed controller inputs tied to frame rate
-Fixed pointer no appearing in the Flat World Layer Selector screen when using controller
-Fixed arrow navigation present when the pointer is on the screen
-Fixed Mossy Cobblestone recipe id in the Crafting Tab Listing
-Fixed Controller support completely broken in the Forge version
-and other minor fixes
Click here for complete changelog


Minecraft-Legacy-1.20.4-1.5a-fabric.jar(29.55 MiB) Primary Download


Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated 3 days ago