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[2.3.0 - Forge1.19.3]
- Dirt path slab, stairs and wall
- Use a shovel on any dirt based block to acquire
- Strippable Log Blocks
- Use an axe on any Log/Wood slab, stair or wall to strip it.
- All blocks now apply slipperiness/velocity multipliers to entities on bottom slabs/stairs
- Soul sand/Magma Blocks now create bubble columns when below a water source or when waterlogged.
- Soul sand slabs now have a lower collision shape
- Soul Speed now works with Soul Sand/Soil slabs stairs and walls
- Magama slabs, stairs, and walls now damage entities above.
- Basalt, Melon, Pumpkin, and Hay walls now show proper top/bottom texture
- Leaves slabs, stairs, and walls can now be mined faster with shears
- Leaves slabs and stairs can be set if they are persistent or not
- issue where leaves stairs blocks would turn into a dirt/grass block.
mssw-forge-2.3.0+1.19.3.jar(3.43 MiB) Primary Download
Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated 5 months ago