-Reworked how Projectile Parries are handled -Optimized how the new Dash Gui is Loaded -Reworked SlideSpeed Multiplies to be more dynamic -Reworked Slide to function in the direction the player is currently moving (based on W,A,S,D) -Reworked Dash to function in the direction the player is currently moving (based on W,A,S,D) -added 3 new Dash Animations that play based on what movement key the player is holding (W,A,S or D) -Added An animation to SmashJump -Reworked How wallrun is detected, handled and executed, -added a wallrun keybind -added 3 new Dash Animations that play Based on your movement direction -Now GravityParries instead of making you bounce on the ground make you roll, (controllable with W,A,S,D) -Reworked how WallJump Detects Wall To Rely More On Wallrun -Reworked Doublejump Sfx -Reworked Red Doublejump Sfx -Now Yellow, White and Red doublejumps have a custom 3d model and texture to represent the respective magic circle instead of a particle function -Doing a GravityParry While Sliding Will Play a Custom slide Animation and speed up your slide by 15% -Added a Creative Only Speedometer item That Displays your current speed (explodes if eaten) -now parry removes friction and gravity from parried projectiles -fixed projectileparry having a TON of desync on slightly laggy servers -removed slidejump keybind -removed smashjump keybind -now smasjump is triggered when the player jumps instead of needing a separate key -now slidejump has dynamic speed increases just like slide -now slide duration can get affected by how fast the player is moving