Harmful smoke is a mod for tobacco and tobacco products, my mod is suitable for both rp and for trading with players or residents. In order to make cigarettes you need tobacco. Tobacco grows in the savannah biome, it is quite rare. Leaves fall from the tobacco plant. To use tobacco in the future, you must first dry it over a bonfire. Dried tobacco leaves, cigarette filter and paper are needed to craft cigarettes.
To smoke you need to take a lighter in your main hand, and a cigarette in your second hand by pressing the right mouse button you will light the cigarette and it will be ready for smoking.
You can also grow tobacco if you have its seeds. But there is one nuance, it can only grow in the savannah biome.
The Tobacco Effect will reset negative effects, but if you restore your HP and satiety, the Speed ​​and Haste effect will be applied.
Configs. In the configs you can set up the effect after smoking, by default it is False or blindness, if you switch to True then instead of blindness there will be a nausea effect
The author does not call for smoking tobacco products in real life, I remind you that tobacco products are extremely harmful to your health! If you find a translation error or a bug in my mod, write to me in discord and describe the problem, I'll be glad to talk to you! (Discord server)