NTM Space

NTM Space


The fork of NTM that adds Space Travel

Client and server Technology

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Flinging around the stars



  • Orbital stations! Including:
    • Orbital Station Core, which act as your main docking port, more ports can be added to your station as required
    • Orbital Station Computer, which can accept drives to travel across the solar system, and can rename your station
    • LPW-2 and Xenon Station Thrusters, for moving the station
    • To create a station, program an ORB drive in the Stardar, and use it to send up an Orbital Station (make sure to clone the drive first!), then you can visit the station with a regular capsule
  • CO2 scrubbers, which when placed in a pressurized room and powered will recover CO2
  • Microgravity Algae Films - specialized films of Laythe plants that can recover O2 directly from CO2, however, they only function in orbit
  • Drop Pods - reusable craft that can travel to and from the surface of a planet from an orbital station. Once you reach your orbital station you can remove the capsule you arrived in by crouch-interacting on the docking port with an empty hand. This will free up the port for you to add your Drop Pod.
  • Radiators, these work to turn low-pressure steam into water in any environment. Regular condensers and cooling towers will now leak steam if used in a vacuum, make sure to turn off any power plants BEFORE updating!


  • Fans no longer work in a vacuum
  • Drop pods no longer look like valid rocket parts (they're standalone)
  • Stardar SLF button now produces a drive for the station you're currently on if in orbit
  • Atmosphere fog fades with altitude again, but higher than the sky color
  • Rockets entirely rebalanced, and mass fraction math fixed, no more 3 parts to anywhere rockets
  • Satellites can now be launched by custom rockets
  • Satellites can also be launched into orbit by using them in orbit, saving a launch vehicle if you already have an orbital station
  • Xenon recipe in the chemplant needs to be performed in an oxygen atmosphere (or use the boosted version of the recipe)
  • Basalt and the respective ores have a new texture
  • Jetpacks work better under differing gravities (not quite orbital station optimised yet however)
  • Scaffolding can now be placed horizontally
  • Most machines can be placed on walls and ceilings, and you'll no longer get stuck inside machines when placing
  • Moho now generates a new biome, and volcanoes!
  • Rockets are now (more) solid
  • Rockets now avoid each other when landing, make sure not to set your landing zone too close to the water in multiplayer!
  • Strawberries now spawn in plains


  • Rocket pad crash on unexpected items
  • Beds can be used in orbit (doesn't currently skip time)
  • Gas giant harvesters now work in Laythe orbit
  • Fix missing Alkyl Bromide fluid and tank texture
  • Attempt at fixing thruster deregistration issue
  • VAB shift-clicking behaves much better
  • Vacuum circuit machine slots fixed
  • Crash when using the "Custom Rocket" item in a launch pad, you'll still need to build your own rocket in the VAB but making this mistake will no longer brick your world
  • Rocket particles no longer go through the capsule
  • Satellites should now move smoothly across the sky
  • Middle clicking/NEI overlay/WAILA overlay now returns the correct blocks/items on various ores/stalactites
  • Coffee/Tea is now available in structures, was unintentionally missing
  • Less floating lava on Moho

By technicality and due to delays this is two versions in the github condensed into one.


HBM-NTM-[1.0.27_X5098_H261].jar(91.95 MiB) Primary Download

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Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published 6 months ago
Updated 7 days ago