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AzureLib Armor is a stripped-down version of AzureLib that is created just to provide its GeoArmor/GeoItem functions in a standalone library. All Armor creation steps are the same as AzureLibs armor creation as outlined here
This library is compatible with the following Minecraft versions: Forge: 1.20.1 NeoForge: 1.20.1 Fabric: 1.20.1, 1.20.2
Are you a developer and want to use this library in your mod? Add the following to your build.gradlerepositories {
// The Maven with the mods source
maven {url 'https://maven.azuredoom.com/mods'}
dependencies {
//Fabric or Quilt
modImplementation "mod.azure.azurelibarmor:azurelibarmor-fabric-MCVERSION:MODVERSION"
//NeoForge or Forge
implementation fg.deobf("mod.azure.azurelibarmor:azurelibarmor-neo-MCVERSION:MODVERSION")
Need a server to play with friends? Don't know how to setup one? Just rent an already configured server from BisectHosting!
Click on the picture above, select plan(at least 4GB), and use my code azuredoom to get 25% off your first month and enjoy playing with your friends!
Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated a month ago