Notes: 1. Fabric API version: 0.63.0+1.19.2 and Fabric Loader version: 0.14.9 are required at a minimum. 2. Cloth Config API (Fabric) version 8.2.88 is required at a minimum. 3. When including the ModMenu Optional Dependency; version 4.0.6 or later of ModMenu is supported.
New Block: Dark Light Lamp - This block produces low-level light and can be turned on with a Light Switch (not redstone!)
New Block: Light Switch - This block is used to turn on Dark Light Lamps in an area around the Light Switch (no wires needed!). The range is up to 24 blocks around the Light Switch!
New Structure: Estate - This is a new option for the Advanced House. It has multiple floors and plenty of outdoor space.
New Structure: Dark Tower - This is a new option for the Watch Tower. It uses deepslate for its style.
Updated Structure: Monster Masher - The old monster masher wasn't working how we wanted to anymore and decided to re-invent it. It utilizes the new Light Switch and Dark Light Lamp blocks for easy setup.