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Larion is a terrain generation overhaul that creates worlds inspired by epic fantasy media, particularily games like Elden Ring and Skyrim.

You will find yourself travelling rolling hills, twisting river valleys, large lakes, treacherous mountain ranges, strange eroded areas of swamps and clefts, all surrounded by an infinte sea of continents and island groups. The scale is overall larger than vanilla and terrain is a bit more realistically shaped, but still "video-gamey" and compact. There is a strong focus on generating steep cliffs and other "terrain hazards" that make the world more interesting to explore and build in.

Larion alters the shape of the terrain, the layout of biomes and a few surface rules, (stone instead of dirt/grass on all steep slopes and mud in rivers), but makes zero changes to the actual biomes, allowing you to pair it with any compatible biome-altering mods or just keep it close to vanilla as the screenshots show.

If you want a limited world size, check out the Disc World add-on datapack!

Please note that the mod is still in active development, future updates are nearly guaranteed to change how the world is generated. I would suggest not updating the mod on existing worlds unless your are okay with weird chunk borders.

Recommended mods/datapacks

I can heavily recommend playing with Distant Horizons and pre-generating your world to allow the scale of the terrain to strike awe from the get-go.

I also recommend using William Wyther's Overhauled Overworld as a complimentary worldgen datapack as it is frankly a work of art and its visual style fits Larion perfectly. Be sure to use the datapack version, if you use WWOO as a mod you may run into issues with load order. If you find that mountains are "chopped off" at around Y=320, please open the WWOO .zip archive in for example 7zip and delete the files at these locations:

  • 1-20-5-overlay/data/minecraft/dimension_type/overworld.json
  • 1-21-overlay/data/minecraft/dimension_type/overworld.json
  • data/minecraft/dimension_type/overworld.json

Some seeds will spawn you in water or on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere. If you want a bit more predictability when creating a world, I would recommend using World Preview.

Finally, you should stock up on worldgen optimization mods, as Larion tends to slow it down a lot due to the added complexity. Here are a few:

Compability notes with other worldgen datapacks/mods

As a rule of thumb, if mods or datapacks modify Minecraft's density functions (in worldgen/density_functions), there will be compability issues with Larion and your worlds will probably look weird in one way or the other. Basically any mod that alters terrain shape or caves is incompatible, this includes Terralith, Tectonic, Litosphere, Big Globe, Expanded Echosphere and Cascades.

However, mods and datapacks that only alter biome features and/or add new biomes should be fully compatible.

For more info please visit the GitHub page.

Special thanks to

Project members




Licensed Apache-2.0
Published 8 months ago
Updated 12 days ago