V 0.10.1a: fixed a compiler error that prevented the last version to even boot up.
Added flax:
it's a new rare crop that can be used to craft ropes and sacks.
For now you can find its sees in pillager outposts or sold by the wandering trader.
Flax seeds can also be put in flower pots.
Added ropes.
They are a pretty useful block with many functionality: they can be placed under a supporting ceiling or against another rope, but only up to a maximum distance from the nearest supporting block sort of like upside down scaffolding.
Ropes can also be instantly broken by hand, they can be burned and broken by an arrow.
They can be climber like ladder and one can fall straight through them at normal speed without taking fall damage.
If a rope is placed horizontally one can also stand on it.
Ropes can also be attached to fences and they will visually connect to it (currently this part is a bit graphically glitchy).
Ropes can also be pulled down or pulled up by respectively clicking one with another rope or with an empty hand and they will also pull up or down the last block that's below them.
Rope arrows can be crafted with up to 16 ropes and an arrow and will behave more or less as you would expect by placing down a rope coil from where they land.
If there are blocks in the way you can pick the arrow back and "recharge" it back up for later use.
Changed gold trapdoor texture and gold door item texture.
Changed hourglass item texture again.
Uniformed tooltip formatting
Gold and Netherite doors can now utilize Quarks double door functionality
Enabled back dispensers functionality for jars
Added an optional tab full of... jars?
Fixed some recipes Some other minor improvements