Enemies - -Fixed Advancement monster -Happyness
-Ajusted Tormented Damage
-Added Splitter -Enemy who waits for you with him chainsaw
-Reworked Fraturer and Abyss eater sounds!.
-Improved Some Walker sounds
-Retextured principal walkers -Walker -Walker Fracturer -Walker Abyss Eater -Walker Opressor -Tormented -Usurpator
World - -Adjusted Underground sounds
-Adjusted Electroshock Effect
-Reduced some Music sounds
-Now there's a prob to appear music in night.
-Readjusted some weapon sounds and animations
-Added FOG
-Remade GUI
Weapons - -Added IgnitDB7 (Flamethrower) (Crate Gen lll) -very faster attack rate -Burn the enemies for 6 seconds -Fire Resistance on wearer -If the weapon is destroyed you will burn for 15 seconds
-Added RipperNK8 (ChainSaw) (Crate Gen ll) -Good Damage, Faster attack rate -Prob to deal extra damage to enemy (6 DMG) -Hungry on wearer, +4 HP on wearer
-Added FrontierG5 (UZI) (Crate Gen l) -Low Damage, very fast attack rate -This weapon has crits. -Weakness and bad omen on wearer and Waterbreathing - -2 HP on wearer
-Shotguns now penetrate as well to the enemies.
-Rebalanced and buffed Melee Weapons