Added sword cane functionality! A cane can be crafted together with an appropriate item to store it, shift+rclick the cane to retrieve it.
Added the Hollowed enchantment for canes, which enables the sword cane functionality.
Added the Slim enchantment for swords, which allows for use in sword canes (depending on server config). Also applies a flat -2 damage modifier to the sword, due to necessary changes in its structure to fit in the cane. Can only be applied to an item if the server-side config setting is ENCHANT.
Added the cane_filter item tag, which by default contains all vanilla swords.
Added a server-side config option to change what items are allowed in sword canes. Default is ENCHANT (only Slim items), other options are ALLOW_LIST (only items with the cane_filter item tag) or DENY_LIST (only items without the cane_filter item tag).
Added a couple overlooked recipes, namely for bamboo and cherry wheels.