SimpleTMs: TMs and TRs for Cobblemon

SimpleTMs: TMs and TRs for Cobblemon


This Minecraft mod is an expansion to the Cobblemon mod, integrating TMs (Technical Machines) and TRs (Technical Records) from the Pokémon universe. The mod allows players to teach moves to their Pokémon, with either a TM or TR.

Client and server AdventureGame MechanicsUtility

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SimpleTMs: TMs and TRs for Cobblemon

SimpleTMs allows players to teach moves to their Pokémon in Cobblemon using TMs and TRs.

Disclaimer : Version 2.0.0 is for Cobblemon 1.6; Version 2.0.2 is for Cobblemon 1.6.1. Make sure you install the correct version. There is a backport available for Cobblemon 1.5.2 as well


TM and TR Usage

  • TMs: Teach a specific move to a Pokémon. By default, TMs have 32 uses and can optionally be enchanted with Unbreaking and Mending using an anvil.
  • TRs: Function similarly but break after a single use.
  • TMs and TRs with assigned moves (not blank ones) are used like most Cobblemon items. A screen will appear, allowing the player to choose a Pokémon from their party if it can learn the move.
  • TMs and TRs display tooltips with move details, including description, type, and more.
  • By default, Pokémon can learn moves from their TM, Tutor, and Egg Move groups.
    • Check Bulbapedia for a detailed list of what moves a Pokémon can learn.
Usage Preview

Blank TM and TR Usage

  • Blank TMs and TRs allow players to imprint a move onto them.
  • When used, they let the player select a Pokémon from their party and a move from its moveset.
  • Blank TMs create a TM of the selected move, while Blank TRs create a TR of the selected move.
  • By default, any move can be imprinted onto a blank TM or TR.
Usage Preview

Obtaining TMs and TRs

  • Crafting:
    • Blank TMs and TRs can be crafted as shown below.
  • Loot Chests:
    • TRs (and rarely TMs) can be found in chests in various Minecraft structures like villages, ruined portals, etc.
    • The type of TRs that drop depends on the loot location (e.g., Fire-type moves in Nether chests, Normal-type moves in village chests).
    • Additional integration with Pokeloot (Modrinth) allows more ways to obtain TMs and TRs if that datapack is installed.
  • Pokémon Drops:
    • TRs (and rarely TMs) can drop when a Pokémon faints. This is the main way to obtain TMs and TRs in Cobblemon.
    • In Battle: Players can choose 1 of 4 random moves from the Pokémon’s learnset.
    • Outside Battle: A random move is chosen automatically.
    • This encourages battling Pokémon instead of simply defeating them outside of combat.
  • Drop Rates (Default):
    • TRs: 10% chance when a Pokémon faints.
    • TMs: 1% chance when a Pokémon faints.


For NeoForge and Fabric

  • Minecraft 1.21.1 is required for SimpleTMs v2.0.0.
  • Cobblemon v1.6.1 (Curseforge & Modrinth) is required to use SimpleTMs v2.0.0.
  • Architectury API v13.0.6 or higher (Curseforge & Modrinth) is required for SimpleTMs v2.0.0.

For Fabric Only

NeoForge Only


The main.json configuration file is located in the config/simpletms/ folder. Below is a list of key options available for customization:

The main.json configuration file defines various settings for TMs and TRs. Below is a list of key options available for customization:

Option Description Default Value Range/Notes
tmMovesLearnable Allows Pokémon to learn moves from their TM move learnset. true true/false
eggMovesLearnable Allows Pokémon to learn moves from their egg move learnset. true true/false
tutorMovesLearnable Allows Pokémon to learn moves from their tutor move learnset. true true/false
levelMovesLearnable Makes Pokémon able to learn moves gained from leveling up early using TMs. false true/false
anyMovesLearnable Allows any Pokémon to learn any move. false true/false
blankTMsUsable Allows blank TMs to be used. true true/false
blankTRsUsable Allows blank TRs to be used. true true/false
tmsUsable Allows TMs to be used (doesn't affect Blank TMs) true true/false
trsUsable Allows TRs to be used (doesn't affect Blank TRs) true true/false
tmCoolDownTicks The number of Minecraft ticks the TM will be on cooldown after use. 0 Integer (0 to 51840000) - 30 days max
blankTMCoolDownTicks The number of Minecraft ticks the blank TM will be on cooldown after use. 0 Integer (0 to 51840000) - 30 days max
tmBaseDurability Specifies the durability (uses) for TMs based on Minecraft's base durability. 32 Integer (1 to 1024)
blankTMBaseDurability Specifies the durability (uses) for blank TMs based on Minecraft's base durability. 1 Integer (1 to 1024)
blankTRBaseDurability Specifies the durability (uses) for blank TRs based on Minecraft's base durability. 1 Integer (1 to 1024)
trStackSize The stack size for TRs and blank TRs. 16 Integer (1 to 64)
dropOutsideOfBattle Allows Pokémon to drop TMs and TRs when defeated outside of battle. true true/false
dropInBattle Allows Pokémon to drop TMs and TRs when defeated in battle. true true/false
dropRateInBattle The drop rate (%) of TMs and TRs in battle (0.1 = 10%). 0.1 0.0-1.0 (Percentage as decimal)
dropRateOutsideOfBattle The drop rate (%) of TMs and TRs outside of battle. 0.1 0.0-1.0 (Percentage as decimal)
dropRateTMFractionInBattle The fraction of drops that are TMs instead of TRs in battle. (0.1 = 10%) 0.1 0.0-1.0 (Percentage as decimal)
dropRateTMFractionOutsideOfBattle The fraction of drops that are TMs instead of TRs outside of battle. 0.1 0.0-1.0 (Percentage as decimal)
numberOfMovesToChooseFromInBattle Number of random moves to choose from after defeating Pokémon in battle. 4 Integer (1-4)
numberOfMovesToChooseFromOutsideBattle Number of random moves to choose from after defeating Pokémon outside of battle. 1 Integer (1-4)
dropAnyMove Pokémon can drop any move as a TM or TR, regardless of the Pokémon. false true/false
dropPrimaryType Pokémon can drop moves from their primary elemental type (e.g. Fire type). false true/false
dropSecondaryType Pokémon can drop moves from their secondary elemental type (e.g. Flying). false true/false
dropFromLevelList Pokémon drop moves they learn from leveling up (only up to their current level). true true/false
dropAnyLevelMoveFromLevelList Pokémon can drop any move from their level-up list, even moves learned at a higher level. false true/false
dropFromTmMoveList Pokémon drop moves from their TM move learnset. true true/false
dropFromEggMoveList Pokémon drop moves from their egg move learnset. true true/false
dropFromTutorMoveList Pokémon drop moves from their tutor move learnset. true true/false
showPokemonThatCanLearnMove Show a scrollable tooltip on TMs and TRs with all Pokémon that can learn the move. true true/false
pokemonSortOrder The order to sort Pokémon in the tooltip for TMs and TRs. "ALPHABETICAL_ASC" "ALPHABETICAL_DESC", "ALPHABETICAL_ASC", POKEMON_TYPE_DESC", "POKEMON_TYPE_ASC"
allowItemRemovalATOWNRISK Allows players to remove TMs and TRs from the game. See *Note false true/false
  • Note: This option is not encouraged. To remove TM and TR items, set this to true and remove entries from the config/simpletms/moves/default_tr_moves.json and config/simpletms/moves/default_tm_moves.json files. This will prevent the items from being added to the game, but it will not remove existing items from the world or player inventories.This also prevents you from accessing servers with those items. For servers that remove entries, be aware tha players can still see the items in jei if they did not remove it from their configs. THey cannot get these items however, so it is purely visual

Excluding Moves

To exclude moves from either Pokémon drops, Blank TMs, or TM Learning, add the move to the relevant excluded moves json file located in the config/simpletms/moves/ folder. This file contains a list of moves to exclude from the mod's functionality. For example, to exclude the move Ember from pokemon drops, add the following to the excluded_moves_from_pokemon_drops.json file:

    "moveName": "ember"

Support and Feedback

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to create an issue on the GitHub repository.

There is also a support channel on the Cobblemon discord, where you can ask for help or discuss the mod with other players.

GitHub Discord

Future development

  • Nothing planned right now. Ideas are always welcome!

Known Issues

  • Nothing so far :)


This mod is licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 license. Refer to the LICENSE file on the Github for more information.


  • SimpleTMs mod was developed by Dragomordor (me)
  • Huge thanks to Dogto Bloo for allowing me to use his retextures of the original v1 of this mod, as they were a much better replacement to the initial textures I made.
  • Big thanks to the Cobblemon discord for always having people on that help with testing, ideas and banter.
  • Nyankoro for providing a japanese translation for the before release.
  • Anyone and everyone that support me through kind words of how they enjoyed the original mod so much. That motivated me a lot to rework and modernize it.
  • Anyone who supports me financially using my Kofi link. This is 100% not needed by anyone, and yet some people still want to give back. HUGE props to them for making my side hobby able to make me buy pizza every now and then.

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Licensed MPL-2.0
Published a year ago
Updated a month ago