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ArdaCraft v.1.6



Thanks to Aj, we now have a custom version of the Caelum mod installed. This adds a variety of fantastic features to the skybox, including:

  • Accurate positions for the sun and moon, including the sun getting higher in the sky the further south you go in Middle-earth (works with shaders)
  • Accurate star map (not working with shaders at the moment)
  • Accurate server date when you press G This mod will continue to be updated in the future, including adding planets (Eärendil), and a telescope that will allow you to zoom in and see the names of various celestial bodies in English/Sindarin/Quenya.


Thanks to Aj, we now have even more functionality for the Paint Brush!

  • Added Paint Knife, raises and lowers value of layered blocks.
  • Updated paintbrush texture
  • Changes made with the paintbrush are pushed to an edit session allowing for undo, redo, masking, and other WorldEdit features.
  • Add functionality to modify the brush size of a paintbrush using ctrl + scroll. You can also do /pb size

ArdaCraft Overlay

  • A few new decorative blocks
  • A complete remodel of all round arches to fix lighting bugs for some users when using shaders
  • New banded arches
  • New reeds
  • Brown water in River biome
  • New names for many previously added blocks
  • Hanging pig!


Added new track for Moria’s West-gate (thanks to @Nolram).


This will make it so most crashes exit to the title screen instead of quitting the entire game.

Auth Me

This allows you to re-auth your MC account from the multiplayer screen in-game if your login token is invalidated.

Remove Reloading Screen

This removes the loading screen while you're reloading a resource pack so you can still interact with the game while it loads.

Mouse Tweaks

Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel.


Adds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu, this allows players to easily find a key binding in the menu. Adds a button that will only show KeyBindings that conflict with each other, which makes it easier to fix them.


The ArdaCraft Modpack 6.mrpack(256.31 MiB) Primary Download

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 months ago