Minecraft undoubtedly has many, many potential with its large amount of mods. There are mods for all kinds of players from builder to adventurer. However, this modpack aims to expand all fields such as exploring, farming, building and even provide a more immersive Minecraft. I've selected many mods to expand the game and balanced them to keep the same Minecraft's feel. Simple, but expanded in multiple ways. Imagine it as a future version of Minecraft with complicated mechanics for end-game content.
Expansion includes:
- New tiers for weapons and tools
- Beautiful world-generation for Overworld, Nether, and The End
- Many new colorful biomes with vanilla Minecraft's vibe
- Additional structures such as abandoned shrines are spread across the map
- Villagers and villages mechanics are expanded
- Mobs and dungeons added
- Ocean content expanded
- Building content expanded
- Animations and sounds are revamped
- Heavy optimizations
MOSTLY VANILLA FRIENDLY but added optional complicated mechanics
These mods heavily affect the game (Progression): Create, Aquamirae, Aquaculture 2, Mo' enchantments, Upgraded Netherite, Healing Campfire
Credits: I don't make a single mod in this modpack. Their incredibles belong to their respective creators. This is solely my version of Reimagined Minecraft. This modpack is heavily inspired from the incredible Minecraft Youtuber called flowstate and his sequel Minecraft modpack. https://www.youtube.com/@flowstatevideo