Change Log:
Hello there traveller, I have a quest for you.
(Note: Easy NPC mod is missing, Install manually)
[+] = Added
[-] = Removed
[*] = Updated / Replaced
[] - Forge Still the same.
[+] Almost Unified
[+] Applied Mekanistics
[+] Artifacts
[+] AttributeFix
[+] Better Compatibility Checker
[+] Better P2P
[+] Blood Magic
[+] CC:C Bridge
[+] Carry On
[+] Clumps
[+] Compressed Creativity
[+] Create Central Kitchen
[+] Create Slice & Dice
[+] Create: Addon Compatibility
[+] Create: Dreams & Desires
[+] Create: Misc and Things
[+] Create: The Factory Must Grow
[+] Easy Magic
[+] Easy NPC
[+] Factory Blocks
[+] Forbidden and Arcanus
[+] GraveStone Mod
[+] Hostile Neural Networks
[+] Inventory Tweaks: ReFoxed
[+] Just Enough Mekanism Multiblocks
[+] Just Enough Professions (JEP)
[+] Just Enough Resources (JER)
[+] Koltin for Forge
[+] Mekanism The Factory Must Grow Compatibility
[+] More Red
[+] More Red x CC:Tweaked Compat
[+] Not Enough Recipe Book [NERB]
[+] OctoLib
[+] Packet Fixer
[+] Petrol's Parts (Create add-on)
[+] Petrolpark's Library
[+] Placebo
[+] PneumaticCraft: Repressurized
[+] Puzzles Lib
[+] Sanguine Neural Networks
[+] Snad
[+] Tome of Blood: Rebirth
[+] Valhelsia Core
[*] Balm [7.3.14+forge-1.20.1] > [7.3.16+forge-1.20.1]
[*] CC: Tweaked [1.114.4] > [1.115.0]
[*] Figura [0.1.4+1.20.1] > [0.1.5+1.20.1]
[*] Rhino [2001.2.3-build.6+forge] > [2001.2.3-build.10+forge]
[*] Traveler's Backpack [1.20.1-9.1.29] > [1.20.1-9.1.30]
[*] Set Compatibility version to 3.0.0