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Known Issue:
- There is logspam caused by Konkrete sometimes. Be aware of the amount of space your logs folder is taking up.
- Tall mystical flowers are now cloaked
- Lexica Botania displays correct recipes
- Fixed certain Regions Unexplored leaves not being compostable
- Added missing Charcoal Fragment conversion recipes
- Bundles were erroneously hidden in EMI
- Corrected improper cloaking of crushed raw zinc
- Anvil Crushing recipes for Regions Unexplored flowers, yielding double their dye
- Added FancyMenu and its dependency Konkrete, with which begins the rudiments of main menu customization
- Added Data Driven Composter
- Added blasting recipe for basalt > smooth basalt
- Added optional Sodium inclusion - NOTE: can cause visual issues, and is not thoroughly tested
- Guidebook now has a rudimentary progression overview. More will come over time.
- Removed Tiny Coal
- Maximum RPM for Create components is now 512
- Added stress impact to Create Rotation Speed Controllers
- Create Mechanical Harvesters harvest partially-grown crops
- Doubled (Char)coal Fragment recipe to prevent crafting issues
- Locked Create machine recipes that require advanced materials behind acquiring them
- Changed Deployer recipe to require item forms of the gating materials instead of blocks
- Changed Precision Mechanism recipe to cogwheel + large cogwheel + golden sheet + stormstone + 16x magenta pigment in the fusion shrine with liquid crystal
- Crushing Amethyst Shards yields Spectrum amethyst powder instead of Hex Casting amethyst dust
- Bedrock Armor requires Liquid Void instead of Midnight Solution
- Moonstone Pedestal requires pixie dust and soulwood planks
- Allowed Basalt/Calcite Tiles to be a valid base block for Spectrum multis
- Rotten Flesh is compostable
Spectralarity v7a.mrpack(10.33 MiB) Primary Download
Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated 10 months ago