I recommend that you create a new world, or explore distant chunks to see the new changes.
Updated Architectury API, Artifacts, Athena, BadOptimizations, Dehydration, Fabric Language Kotlin, FancyMenu, Forgero, Konkrete, Melody, ModernFix, Presence Footsteps, Regions Unexplored, Repurposed Structures, Resourceful Lib, SIHYWTCAMD, Traveler's Backpack, Trinkets, YUNG's API/Better End Island/Better Nether Fortresses!
Added Complementary (Reimagined and Unbound), Creeper Overhaul, Deeper and Darker, End Remastered, Enderman Overhaul, Geckolib, Moog's End Structures, Nyf's Spiders, owo-lib, Resourceful Config, Sildur's Shaders, Skeletal Remains, True Ending, Underground Bunkers!
Removed Puffish Skills, Raised, Resourceful Lib, Sodium Extra!
JEI, JourneyMap & YUNG's Better Mineshafts ➨ EMI, Xaero's Mini/Worldmap & Hopo Better Mineshaft!
Refined mods settings, quests and resourcepack!
-1 heart, Good luck! I hate the number 4 >:D
Fixed crash when clicking on the quest book! (Thanks Bliro!)