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CustomNPCs 1.7-pre10


New Features

  • /npc fixconfig command.
    • Here is some example usage, with an explanation: /npc fixconfig world <Valid World> <Strategy> <target>
    • The Valid World has to be a world that is loaded by Bukkit (Multiverse should work too)
    • The strategy can either be NONE, which doesn't care about validating the location of the NPC. the SAFE_LOCATION strategy will verify the NPC won't be stuck in any solid blocks. If it is, the plugin will pick the highest block with the same x and z coordinate. If no position is possible, the NPC is ignored.
    • The Target can either be all, to apply to all NPCs or a specific NPC's name or UUID
  • A new command framework that utilizes Brigadier
  • The NPC configuration is validated on the first file parse, rather than on loading.
  • There is now a special permission for the /npc wiki command, customnpcs.commands.wiki

Bug Fixes

  • /reload no longer throws an error
  • Using the skin catalog no longer throws an error

Developer Changes

The Bukkit services api has been removed. Its not like anyone actually used it.

I have recently discovered that the Bukkit configuration api has decided to eat locations when they are invalid. There is nothing I can do to recover them. I apologize for the inconvenience

Thats it <3



customnpcs-1.7-pre10.jar(4.94 MiB) Primary Download

Project members


Lead Developer


Performance Analyst


Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 months ago