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CustomNPCs 1.7.2


IMPORTANT NOTE: This release REMOVES the ability to use this plugin on a spigot server. As a bonus of this, the plugin will now load the required dependencies at runtime. This makes the final jar file a lot smaller (about 10 times smaller!). The downside is it can take a "while" (about 2 minutes, in my case) to download the required dependencies. This is advantageous, as it stores the downloaded dependencies and only needs to download them once!

Okay on with the patch notes:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes errors on 1.21.3+ servers when using like anything on the server
  • Fixes hologram injection issues in some cases
  • The SetSound action now uses keyed sounds (minecraft:ui.button.click), instead of ui_button_click. This is potentially detrimental as it will not convert from old sounds. (The actions still run, a warning is printed to the console and no sound is played). BUT, this lets you play resource pack sounds now! Just use the namespace and the sound id. namspace:id.

This is mostly a bug fix type of update as I have started working on the 1.8 series of updates, starting with optimized data storage. So you can look forward to that ;) Foxikle <3


customnpcs-1.7.2.jar(480.89 KiB) Primary Download

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 months ago