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This release has new features and improvements to make EnhancedCommunications closer to achieving dominance in the chat experience management category!
Broadcasts - Async
This month I bring you chat broadcasts, I worked on this so the user can benefit from it AND a great API for the developer to use as well!
- Choose the broadcast interval by seconds.
- Choose the worlds you want the broadcast to be in OR make it global by typing "GLOBAL"
- Choose the lore Uses MiniMessage
- New PreBroadcastAnnounceEvent to check details about the broadcast and the worlds (and its viewers) CANCELLABLE
- You can manually add/remove broadcasts from ChatManager#getAutoBroadcastManager
Word replacements
This month I bring you word replacements:
- Create any word replacements (<3 to ❤️ for example)
- Precached the words after splitting them to ensure the server is smooth (can be refreshed by using /communications reload)
- Added javadocs to everything
- Some performance improvements
EnhancedCommunication-1.1.0.jar(1.54 MiB) Primary Download