MiniPlaceholders Expressions Expansion

MiniPlaceholders Expressions Expansion

Mod and plugin

A MiniPlaceholders expansion placeholder that allows you to modify placeholders


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Expressions Expansion for MiniPlaceholders.


Basic Operations

  • Addition | <expr_add:n1:n2:...:nX>
    • <expr_add:5:2:3> == 10
  • Subtraction | <expr_sub:n1:n2>
    • <expr_sub:10:3> == 7
  • Multiplication | <expr_mul:n1:n2:...:nX>
    • <expr_mul:5:2:3:6> == 180
  • Division | <expr_div:n1:n2>
    • <expr_div:10:5> == 2
  • Division remainder <expr_mod:n1:n2>
    • <expr_mod:5:2> == 1
  • Negation | <expr_neg:n>
    • <expr_neg:5> == -5
    • <expr_neg:-5> == 5


  • Round down to integer | <expr_floor:n>
    • <expr_floor:5.05> == 5
    • <expr_floor:2.9> == 2
  • Round to nearest integer | <expr_round:n>
    • <expr_floor:5.05> == 5
    • <expr_floor:2.9> == 3
  • Round up to integer | <expr_ceil:n>
    • <expr_floor:5.05> == 6
    • <expr_floor:2.9> == 3
  • Get the lowest-valued number | <expr_min:n1:n2:...:nX>
    • <expr_min:5:10:15:2:500:9:69> == 2
  • Get the highest-valued number | <expr_max:n1:n2:...:nX>
    • <expr_max:5:10:15:2:500:9:69> == 500
  • A random number from 0 to 1 | <expr_random> | Acts like <expr_random:0:1:0.01>
    • <expr_random> == 0.15
  • A random integer from min to max | <expr_random:min:max> | Acts like <expr_random:min:max:1>
    • <expr_random:1:100> == 69
  • A random number from min to max with a step of step | <expr_random:min:max:step>
    • <expr_random:50:10:0.25> == 68.75

String Operations

  • Concat strings | <expr_concat:s1:s2:...:sN>
    • <expr_concat:hello:_:world> == "hello_world"
  • Create a substring of s from n1 to n2 character | <expr_substring:s:n1:n2>
    • <expr_substring:hello:2:4> == "ll"
  • Get length of the string | <expr_length:s>
    • <expr_length:hello> == 5
  • Format a string using Java String.format() | <expr_format:format:arg1:arg2:...:argX> | It may be useful for user expressions
    • <expr_format:'%s is not a %s':4drian3d:fruit> == "4drian3d is not a fruit"
  • Displays r1 if o1 and o2 are same. Otherwise, displays rs | <expr_if:o1:o2:r1:r2>
    • <expr_if:1:2:Equals:NotEquals> == "NotEquals"
  • Sets text placeholders for a player with uuid. | <expr_player:uuid:text>
    • <expr_player:4drian3dUUID:<player_name>> == 4drian3d
  • Sets text placeholders for a player with name. | <expr_player:name:text>
    • <expr_player:4drian3d:<player_ping>> == 42
  • Expand to a User expression | <expr_user:name:arg1:arg2:...:argX>

User expressions

You can create your own expression shortcut in config.yml using our Expression Expansion Language (EEL):

add_and_multiply: "<expr_add:'<arg1>':'<expr_mul:\\'<arg2>\\':\\'<arg3>\\'>'>" means <expr_user:add_and_multiply:arg1:arg2:arg3> will be evaluated to arg1 + (arg2 * arg3). So, <expr_user:add_and_multiply:2:3:4> evaluates to <expr_add:2:'<expr_mul:3:4>'>, which is 2 + (3 * 4) = 14

Example user expressions

  • <expr_user:remove_first:s:n> - Remove n first characters from s (hello, 2 -> llo), EEL: remove_first: "<expr_substring:'<arg1>':'<arg2>':'<expr_length:\\'<arg1>\\'>'>"
  • <expr_user:remove_last:s:n> - Remove n last characters from s (hello, 2 -> hel), EEL: remove_last: "<expr_substring:'<arg1>':0:'<expr_sub:\\'<expr_length:\\\\\\'<arg1>\\\\\\'>\\':\\'<arg2>\\'>'>"
  • <expr_user:decimals:n:decimals> - format a number (1.234567, 2 -> 1.23), EEL: decimals: "<expr_format:'<expr_concat:\\'%.0\\':\\'<arg2>\\':\\'f\\'>':'<arg1>'>"
  • <expr_user:pad_integer:n:length> - pad an integer with zeros (12, 3 -> 012), EEL: pad_integer: "<expr_format:'<expr_concat:\\'%0\\':\\'<arg1>\\':\\'d\\'>':'<arg2>'>"


Expressions can be nested. Try /miniplaceholders parse me "<expr_add:1:'<expr_add:1:\\'<expr_add:1:\\\\\\'<expr_add:1:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'<expr_add:1:0>\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'>\\\\\\'>\\'>'>"

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Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published a year ago
Updated 10 months ago