Novik Pack

Novik Pack

Resource Pack

Texture Tweaks for the building community of Minecraft

16xBlocksDecoration EntitiesEnvironmentModelsThemedTweaksUtilityVanilla-like

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Novik Pack Banner, showing the logo with the resource pack's name Novik Pack contains various model and texture tweaks for medieval/fantasy builders of Minecraft without majorly obstructing the feeling of the vanilla experience.

This Resource Pack is compatible with version 1.19 but can still be used in versions 1.15-1.18

At the time Novik Pack features:

  • Grass tweaks, taller wheat crops, bushier leaves and many biome-dependant changes to the environment
  • Special textures for Noteblocks with different instrument data (i.e. placed on specific blocks)
  • Different look for Diorite and Polished Diorite that blends better with other stone types
  • New textures for several types of Glass
  • Various connected and overlay textures for blocks (Optifine Only)
  • Unique custom item textures (Optifine Only)

And More!

Be sure to check out the README file in the resource pack's folder!

Several enclosed spaces with flowers, a wheat field and a windmill present in the background

If you liked my work, be sure to follow me on Modrinth, CurseForge and Twitter for more updates!

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Special Credits:

"Novik Pack" subtitle created by Ewan Howell (YT page link):

Project members




Licensed CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago