Note: Remember to install either Optifine or CITResewn before applying this resource pack in order to work.
Transform your ordinary shulker boxes into personalized containers. Watch as your shulker boxes come to life with custom icons that beautifully represent their contents. Take your storage experience to new heights and add a touch of uniqueness to your Minecraft adventures with this exceptional pack. Unleash your creativity and let your shulker boxes tell their own stories!
This resource pack is highly compatible with other resource packs, allowing you to customize your shulker boxes without sacrificing your favorite textures.
How to name a shulker box
Shulker boxes can be named using the following format (case insensitive)::
(any)[item](s)( suffix)
- Square brackets [] indicate mandatory fields.
- Parentheses () indicate optional fields.
- The suffix can be one of the following: "box," "shulker," or "shulker box."
Here are a few examples to help you understand:
- Apple
- Apple Box
- Apple Shulker
- Apple Shulker Box
- It's just my Apple
- It's just my Apple Box
- It's just my Apple Shulker
- It's just my Shulker Box
Remember, the possibilities are endless! Let your imagination run wild and give your shulker boxes the names that resonate with you.
Note: Remember to install either Optifine or CITResewn before applying this resource pack in order to work.