This resource pack contains approximately 18 items
To see the full list of items, download the "RP Renames mod"
Rename the sword to "CutterSpace" to get Shadow Scythe
Rename the sword to "mifiks" to get Amethyst Staff
Rename the stick/sword to "PionLimon" to get katana overgrown with peony
Rename the stick/sword to "Железная бита" to get iron bat
Rename the stick/sword to "Пчеловод" to get bee sword from terraria
Rename the elytra to "Пчелиные крылья" to get bee wings
Rename the stick/sword to "aratani" to get sword from lego ninjago set 70653
Rename the helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots to "Шлем/Нагрудник/Поножи/Ботинки улья" to get armor in the style of Beehive Armor from Minecraft Dungeons
Rename the stick/sword to "Timm" to get Katana
Rename the carved_pumpkin to "peepopeepo" to get headband with two frogs
Rename the stick/sword to "Аметистовый меч" to get amethyst sword
Rename the stick/sword to "wait what" to get Sign with smiley 🤨
My resource pack for "Warden's stuff" is also built in.