This Cute texture pack re-makes bedwars's Ugly textures and changes it to be lovely, simple, and cute. just right for 1.8.9 PvP! along a with custom crosshair, Re-textured diamonds, iron, and gold!
What does the armor look like? The leather armor has been changed to flower armor and iron has been changed to a dark purple. Diamond armor was changed to be light pink with gray outline.
what happened to the GUI? the ENTIRE survival GUI has been changed to meet the cute pink theme of the pack
is the wool simple to? Yes! the wool has been changed to a lovely gradient with its respective colors outline.
can i use this pack on twitch or YT? yes you can! this pack is allowed for comercial use. just not re-distrobution.
why are there rat in my water? This pack was made as a gift to a player named "Mocharat" and has several rats throughout the textures.
how can i get rid of the rats? i will be posting an edited version of this pack without the rats soon.
are the particles cute to? YESSS the particles have been changed to hearts! when you krit a player, you will get to see there hearts being thrown out! and if you use a PVP client, you can turn on sharpness particles. these will be dark purple and can add to the expierience
how long did wowmoonwow spend making this pack? i spent almost 3 months making this pack off and on. not all textures have been changed but all needed for bedwars should be accounted for.
NOTE: please turn off "saturation" in lunar settings. this will change the hunger bar from an ugly yellow to its original pink!
will this pack be updated ever? yes! i will be updating this pack whenever i can :)