-Added grass top overlays to dirt, farmland, dirt path, stone, andesite, diorite, granite, coarse dirt, gravel, rooted dirt, end stone and sand.
-Added simple border ctm to normal ice (still needs further work)
-Added side ctm to all plank types to have a border.
-Added skin animation shader support
-Added an item rotation shader in the gui
-Added an animation to the enchanting table
-Reimagined the wheat, updated the final stage of the wheat crop, item and haybale.
-Tweaked the oak leaves to have more of a different tint to them compared to how far away from the log they are (natural leaves only)
-Tweaked water and made it more transparent.
-Remade and updated the old Reimagined farmland with an updated and nicer model with new side and top textures.
-Tweaked the top texture of the TNT to have a bit more gunpowder on it.
-Fixed the flower pot not using the consistent brick texture that was added in the previous update.
-Fixed a z-fighting issue on the new simplified lantern model.
-Removed the blue Reimagined fog for the time being.
-Gave Reimagined a new pack.png logo