BCG x AllTheMons

BCG x AllTheMons

Data pack

A combination of seventeen different Cobblemon add-ons, introducing nearly 160 Cobblemon.

Server Utility

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If you wish to use BCG x AllTheMons in your modpack, please make sure to include each individual project to ensure proper credit is given to every developer.

BCG x AllTheMons is a heavily modified version of AllTheMons, originally created by easy_____. This pack was created with permission from each author, and BigChadGuys makes no claim of ownership over these packs.

BigChadGuys Plus includes all individual projects to ensure authors receive full credit. BCG x AllTheMons combines each project for streamlined issue tracking, version control, and ease of development.

Join the BigChadGuys Discord: Click Here

If you encounter any issues, please reach out to us directly rather than the original authors, as any problems are our responsibility.

A huge thank you to the following authors:

Allone, the creator of Allone's Additions

ASHISK, the creator of Ashimons

BeeZy, one of the creators of LackingMons

BifeSalgado, the creator of OdysseyMons

Bwavii, the creator of WaviMons

El Pigeon, the creator of Pigeon's PokePack

Genotype, the creator of GenoMons

iMystxc, the creator of MysticMons

IZetyXX, one of the creators of LackingMons

Kale, the creator of Kale's Collection

LegenTM, the creator of HiddenMons

NetImmerse, the creator of The Jewel Pokemon

Raspix, the creator of CobbleCats

RedRibbon, the creator of MissingMons

Salt, the creator of SaltMons

YaBoiBruno, the creator of MoreMons

List of implemented Cobblemon (Addons)

Absol, Altaria, Amoonguss, Appletun, Applin, Araquanid, Arcanine (Hisuian), Archaludon, Arctibax, Articuno (Galarian), Avalugg (Hisuian), Axew, Azelf, Azumarill, Azurill, Banette, Baxcalibur, Bellibolt, Bisharp, Blacephalon, Blipbug, Bronzong, Bronzor, Buzzwole, Capsakid, Celebi, Charjabug, Chienpao, Chiyu, Cinccino, Corsola, Corsola (Galarian), Cosmoem, Cosmog, Cramorant, Cresselia, Croagunk, Cursola, Cyclizar, Darkrai, Darmanitanzen (Galarian), Delcatty, Delibird, Deoxys, Dewpider, Dialga, Diancie, Dipplin, Dottler, Drilbur, Ducklett, Duosion, Duraludon, Eelektrik, Eelektross, Espurr, Excadrill, Feebas, Finizen, Flapple, Fluttermane, Foongus, Fraxure, Frigibax, Froslass, Frosmoth, Galmeow, Gastrodon, Genesect, Geodude (Alolan), Giratina, Glalie, Gogoat, Golem (Alolan), Gothia, Gothitelle, Gothorita, Graveler (Alolan), Greavard, Grimer (Alolan), Groudon, Growlithe (Hisuian), Grubbin, Gumshoos, Guzzlord, Hawlucha, Haxorus, Hoopa, Hoppip, Houndoom, Houndour, Houndstone, Hydrapple, Indeedee, IronBundle, IronMoth, IronThorns, IronValiant, Jirachi, Jumpluff, Kartana, Kyogre, Kyurem, Leavanny, Ledian, Ledyba, Liepard, Litleo, Lokix, Lunala, Lurantis, Lycanroc, Lycanroc (Dusk), Lycanroc (Midnight), Magearna, Manaphy, Mandibuzz, Mareanie, Marill, Marowak (Alolan), Marshadow, Melmetal, Meloetta, Meltan, Meowstic, Mesprit, Metwo, Milotic, Minccino, Minior, Moltres (Galarian), Morpeko, MrMime, Munna, Musharna, Necrozma, Nihilego, Noibat, Noivern, Nymble, Ogerpon, Ogerpon (Fire), Ogerpon (Rock), Ogerpon (Teal), Ogerpon (Water), Orbeetle, Orthworm, Palafin, Palkia, Palossand, Palpitoad, Pawmi, Pawmo, Pawmot, Pawniward, Pecharunt, Phione, Pikipek, Poltchageist, Polteageist, Purrloin, Purugly, Pyroar, Rabsca, RagingBolt, Regice, Regigigas, Regirock, Registeel, Rellor, Reuniclus, RoaringMoon, Rockruff, Runerigus, Sandygast, Scovillain, Screamtail, Seismitoad, Sewaddle, Shaymin, Shellos, Shuppet, Sinistcha, Sinistea, Skiddo, Skiploom, Skitty, Skuntank, Slitherwing, Slowbro (Galarian), Slowking (Galarian), Slowpoke (Galarain), Snom, Snorunt, Solgaleo, Solosis, Stunky, Swablu, Swadloon, Swanna, Tadbulb, TapuBulu, TapuFini, TapuKoko, TapuLele, Tauros (Aqua), Tauros (Blaze), Tauros (Combat), Toedscool, Toedscruel, Togedemaru, Toucannon, Toxapex, Toxel, Toxicraok, Toxtricity, Trumbeak, Tympole, Tynamo, Unown, Uxie, Veluza, Victini, Vikavolt, Volcanion, Vullaby, Wiglett, Wugtrio, Yungoos, Yveltal, Zapdos (Galarian), Zeraora