Beta Recipes
A datapack/mod by Wilozyx
Beta recipes aims to emulate the crafting and smelting recipes from beta 1.7.3 upon modern versions of minecraft!
All recipes are returned 1:1 to how they were, and new, modern, recipes are disabled, making crafting and smelting equal to beta's
Some of the more noteworthy changes from beta minecraft's recipes:
- all newer recipes disabled!
- spruce/birch/oak logs can all be crafted into 4x oak planks
- no experience from smelting
- dyed wool recipes only accept white wool + dye item
- blue wool crafted with lapis lazuli
- brown wool crafted with cocoa beans
- black wool crafted with ink sacs
- slab recipes output 3 slabs instead of 6
- smooth stone slabs made with regular stone
- stone buttons are crafted with 2 vertical stone blocks
- oak slab recipe changed to output petrified oak slabs
- ladders recipe outputs 2 instead of 3
- fences are made with 6 sticks and output 2 instead of 3
- golden apples are crafted with gold blocks instead of ingots
- sign recipe outputs 1 instead of 3
- wood door recipe outputs 1 instead of 3
- books are crafted with 3 paper vertically
- flint and steel, mushroom stews, chest minecarts and furnace minecarts are shaped recipes
- purple dye crafted with lapis lazuli + red dye
- light gray dye crafted with either 1 ink sac + 2 bonemeal or 1 gray dye + 1 bonemeal
- gray dye crafted with ink sac + bonemeal
- pink dye crafted with red dye + bonemeal
- lime dye crafted with green dye + bonemeal
- light blue dye crafted with lapis lazuli + bonemeal
- magenta dye crafted with either 1 lapis, 1 red dye, 1 pink dye or 1 lapis 2 red dye, 1 bonemeal or 1 purple dye and 1 pink dye
Base & No-Categories
Beta Recipes is seperated into 2 different editions, 'base' and 'no categories'. Both editions have the same recipes and everything, although, no categories has, as it says, no categories for the recipes, meaning they will not show up in the recipe book!
Beta Recipes and all of my other works are completely public property, meaning everyone is 100% free to put this into their own modpacks/put this into their own datapacks/edit/tweak/share/etc!
- Discord -> wilozyxx
- Youtube -> [YT LINK]
- Curseforge -> [CF LINK]
- Planet Minecraft -> [PMC LINK]