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This Datapack adds 12 new Christmas features to Minecraft! A Christmas tree and presents, candy canes and roast chicken feasts, and a bunch more cool items!


This is a short list of all the new features. For more information, expand the tabs bellow.

  • Christmas Tree
  • Ornaments
  • Christmas Lights
  • Presents
  • Christmas Meal
  • Fireplace
  • Stocking
  • Christmas Wreath
  • Santa's Hat
  • Snow Globe
  • Candy Cane
  • Elves
Christmas Tree

Made by bonemealing a potted spruce tree. Has 28 slots for ornaments, can be visualised using F3+B

Christmas Tree


The gold ornament is crafted with 5 gold nuggets. Right-click any empty slot for ornaments on a Christmas tree to add that ornament to the tree. Right-click any slot containing an ornament whilst holding dye to dye it into that colour (excluding: white, gray, dark gray, black and brown). Left-click any slot containing an ornament to pop the ornament off the tree (will retain the colour).

Crafting Gold Ornament Ornaments Dye

Christmas Tree with Ornaments

Christmas Lights

Crafted with 2 chains, 2 red stained glass and 1 green stained glass. Can be placed on any block. Destroyed by removing the block behind it. Connects to glass panes, fences, stairs and slabs. Right click the base of a Christmas tree to give it lights.

Crafting Lights

Demonstration Lights

Christmas Tree with Lights


Crafted with 4 paper. Place it down on the ground just like any other block. Shift+Right-click to open it. If it is already open, Shift+Right-click to close it. When opened, right-click with any item to put up to a stack inside of the present. If the present already contains an item, right-click with an empty hand to retrieve the item. Left-click the present to break it.

Special Features:

  • When closed, right click it with any of these seven dyes to dye it: red, orange, lime, green, blue, purple and pink.
  • When closed, right click it with gunpowder to make the present explosive. When interacted with the present it will play a particle effect and sound effect and drop its contents. The present item won't be dropped.

Crafting Present

Closed Present Open Present Filled Present

Present Dye

Present Explode

Christmas Meal

Crafted with 1 cooked chicken, 1 bowl, 2 baked potatoes, 2 carrots and 1 beetroot. Place it down just like any other block. Right-click to eat one of four slices of the meal, each time filling up 8 hunger points (4 drumsticks). Left-click the plate to break it after every slice has been eaten.

Meal Craft

Meal Food

Meal States


Crafted with 1 campfire, 5 bricks and 3 logs (of any type). Place it down like any other block, with the front of the fireplace always pointing to you. Takes up a 1x2x1 space, instantly destroying any blocks that are in the way. Break it by punching the 1x2x1 space. Has 1 slot for wreath and 2 slots for stockings, can be visualised using F3+B.

Fireplace Craft



Crafted with 3 red wool and 1 white wool. Can be placed on walls. Right-click with any item in your hand to put one of that item inside the stocking. Can be retrieved by right-clicking the stocking with an empty hand. Break the stocking by hitting it, it will drop its contents. Right-click on any of the 2 slots for stockings on a fireplace to hang it there. Remove the stocking from the fireplace by hitting it.

Stocking Craft


Stocking Fireplace

Christmas Wreath

Crafted with 1 red wool and 7 leaves (of any type). Can be placed on walls, floors and ceilings just like any other block. When placed on floors or ceilings it will rotate according to the players facing direction. Destroyed by breaking the block behind it. Right-click on the wreath slot on a fireplace to hang it there. Remove the wreath from the fireplace by hitting it.

Crafting Wreath


Wreath Fireplace

Santa's Hat

Crafted with 3 red wool and 2 white wool. Equip in the helmet slot to wear it. Can be given to mobs that are able to pick up loot (zombies, skeletons, etc.)

Crafting Hat

Wearing Hat

Mobs Wearing Hat

Snow Globe

Crafted with 3 planks (of any type), 5 glass and 1 spruce sapling. Can be placed on the ground like any other block. Break it by hitting the snow globe, or if the block below it is air.

Crafting Globe


Candy Cane

Obtained by trading with the Elf. When consumed gives 6 hunger points (3 drumsticks).

Candy Cane


A new type of villager. Throw Santa's Hat at an unemployed villager to turn it into an elf. The elf offers a total of 6 trades. The first 2 trades are always candy canes and sugar. The second and third pair of trades are randomised, and include a custom item from this pack and a related Minecraft item to trade.


Most items can be available in the creative inventory! Go to Options > Controls and turn on the Christmas Items Tab. This is a reskin of the Operator Items tab, so make sure to be operator .

⚠️ Bugs

If you notice any bugs report them in the [bugs] text channel in my discord server


To download the datapack, you have two options to add it to your world:

  • Creating a new world:

    1. Download the Christmas_Datapack.zip file
    2. Click Create new world in minecraft
    3. Click Data Packs
    4. Drag the Christmas_Datapack.zip file into there, and make sure you put it on the 'selected' side (right side)
  • Add to existing world:

    1. Download the Christmas_Datapack.zip file
    2. Select your world in the single player menu
    3. Click Edit at the bottom of the screen
    4. Click Open World Folder
    5. Click on the datapacks folder
    6. Drag the Christmas_Datapack.zip file into there

To download the resource pack, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Christmas_Resourcepack.zip file
  2. Click on Options in minecraft
  3. Click Resource Packs
  4. Drag the Christmas_Resourcepack.zip file into there, and make sure you put it on the 'selected' side (right side)

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago