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Classic Mechanics Logo!

Classic mechanics is a datapack I've made into my passion project recently! The goal of this datapack is to re-insert older features, tweaks and mechanics of the game into modern minecraft, this includes various things from beta, alpha, infdev, indev, classic, early release, snapshots, april fools versions, etc.

The datapack comes with 'modules' - each one is a different tweak/feature/mechanic, all of them are toggle-able/configurable at any time and are only ever active if enabled, to preserve game performance.

Remember that all modules are disabled by default! To enable them you must type in the command for the options/config message (listed below)

The options message contains a button you can click to see which modules are enabled/disabled, aswell as all modules, with the minecraft versions they were added and removed on

Config/Options message command:

/function classic_mechanics:options_message

If you're on classic mechanics version v1.17.0 or above you can also use the short version:

/function cm:opt

This datapack was greatly inspired by Nostalgic Tweaks mod by Adrenix and Old Days mod by Exalm! Go check them out aswell!


  1. This datapack aims to be compatible with several other types of datapacks, meaning, it purposefully does not touch things like world/terrain generation and actively tries other, different methods for results that would require such a thing!

  2. This datapack and all other work I've put out is fully public property. You can freely edit/modify/tweak/remake/copy/add to your modpack/add to your own pack/etc, anything you wish! <3

Current feature list

Click me to open the current feature list
Letter(s) Version
PC Pre-Classic
C Classic
I Indev
IF Infdev
A Alpha
B Beta
R Release

Total modules: 212

Module Name Version added/removed Notes
Old boat particles A1.0.6-R1.9 Displays splash particles coming out of the boat when in a moving boat atop water
Disable sprinting C0.26-B1.8 [EXPERIMENTAL!] this module simulates disabled sprinting by slowing the player down when he sprints, this is done for compatibility so expect bugs!
Instant swing speed B1.6-R1.9 Allows the player to swing freely without the attack cooldown
TNT ignite-punching C0.26-B1.7 Makes players able to punch TNT to ignite it
Piglin to pigmen switching A1.2.0-R1.16 switches all piglins into zombified piglins (zombie pigmen)
Silverfish soulsand damage B1.8-R1.14.3 makes silverfish take damage when on soul sand
Classic creepers C0.24-I204-2 Makes it so creepers explode after death
Land squids B1.2-R1.4.4 Allows squids to live/breathe even if they're not under water
No animal panic C0.24-B1.8 Makes animals not panic after they've been hurt
Old farmland I206-R1.1 Allows farmland to be trampled if walked over (fences underneath or shifting prevents this!)
Old rabbits R1.8-R1.9 Inflates rabbits' sizes to their 1.8 ones
Punch-sheep shearing I211-B1.7 Allows players to punch sheep to shear it (may be buggy if enabled alongside 'no animal panic' - this'll be fixed in the future!)
Old TNT particles C0.26-B1.8 Displays the 'smoke' particles when TNTs blow up
Old zombie reach C0.24-~B1.0 [EXPERIMENTAL] lets zombie reach players from 3 blocks away, expect bugs with this! Will likely be redone in the future!
No villager-zombie fighting B1.9-R1.2.1 Makes it so zombies won't attack villagers, villagers can still panic due to zombies though!
Old nightmares B1.3-B1.9 Returns the nightmare mechanic; spawns mobs upon the player if they sleep in dark spaces!
Vertical drowning knockback C0.24-R1.3.1 Knocks the player downwards when drowning
Old dragon AI B1.9-R1.9 Keeps the dragon afloat and disables perching
No daylight mob burning C0.24-I213 Allows mobs like skeletons and zombies to never burn on daylight
Old regeneration B1.8-R1.9 [EXPERIMENTAL] mimics early release regeneration, every 4 seconds heals the player if they're above 17 hunger
More ghasts A1.2.0-B1.9 Attempts to spawn more ghasts in the nether
Old mob step sounds C0.24-R1.4.2 Adds old block step sounds to mobs
No advancement messages B1.5-R1.4 Disables advancement messages
Disable pillagers R1.14-R1.14 Disables the spawning of pillagers
Disable phantoms R1.13-R1.13 Disables the insomnia system
Disable wandering traders R1.14-R1.14 Disables the spawning of wandering traders
Disable wardens R1.19-R1.19 Disables the spawning of wardens
No entity cramming C0.24-R1.11 Disables entity cramming
No death messages C0.24-B1.6 Disables the display of death messages
Old debug screen I202-A1.2.0 Disables the display of newer debug screen info
No instant portals A1.2.0-R1.4.2 Makes the entry time of nether portal in creative the same as it is in survival
Testificate villagers B1.9-B1.9-pre2 Displays the 'testificate' nametag above all villagers
Old dragon bossbar B1.9-R1.4.2 Displays a purple 'boss health' bossbar instead of the 'ender dragon'
Floating gravity blocks I618-R1.14 Allows gravity blocks like sand and gravel to remain floating if dropped above fences and walls
No baby mobs C0.24-B1.9 Makes all baby mobs adults
No mob equipment C0.24-R1.4.2 Removes tools and armor from mobs
Disable zombie door-breaking C0.24-R1.2.1 Disables the ability of breaking doors from zombies
No arrow sticking C0.25-B1.8 [EXPERIMENTAL] disables arrows sticking to player's bodies
No left handed mobs R1.4.2-R1.9 Makes all mobs right handed
Old critical hits B1.8-R1.9 Makes critting while sprinting possible
Void fog B1.8-R1.8 Simulates void fog in lower Y levels
No knockback resistance C0.24-R1.16 Disables the effects of knockback resistance when wearing netherite armor
Old zombie drops I219-B1.8 Makes zombies drop feathers, as they used to prior to B1.8
Old cow drops A1.0.8-B1.8 Makes cows drop 0-2 leather only, as they used to prior to B1.8
No disc drops C0.24-A1.0.14 Disables creeper's music disc drops
Old pig drops I219-R1.3.1 Makes pigs drop 0-2 porkchop only, as they did prior to R1.3.1
Old ghast drops A1.2.0-B1.9 Makes ghasts drop 0-2 gunpowder only, as they did prior to B1.9
Classic pig drops C0.25-I219 Makes pigs drop 0-2 brown mushroom only, as they did prior to indev 20100219, if 'old pig drops' module is enabled, this will override it's changes
Old sheep drops C0.28-R1.8 Disables sheep's mutton drops
Old spider drops I219-B1.9pre2 Makes spiders drop 0-2 string only, as they did prior to B1.9-pre2
Old pigman drops A1.2.0-B1.9 Makes zombified piglins drop 0-2 cooked porkchop only, as zombie pigmen did prior to B1.9
Old cat drops R1.2.1-R1.14 Disables cat's string drop that was added in 1.14
Old chicken drops A1.0.14-B1.8 Makes chickens drop 0-2 feathers only, as they did prior to B1.8
No cooked drops C0.24-B1.5 Disables fire affecting/cooking entities' drops
No looting drops B1.9pre3 Disables the looting enchantment from affecting mob drops
Old glass pane drops B1.8-B1.9pre2 Makes glass panes drop themselves when mined (as in, even without silk touch)
Old-like stained pane drops N/A Inspired by B1.8's glass pane drops, makes stained glass panes drop themselves when mined
Old ore drops I128-R1.17 Makes iron and gold ore blocks drop themselves when mined, instead of their raw ore counterparts
Old stair drops I629-B1.9pre6 Makes stairs drop 1 block from their original material when mined
No fortune drops B1.9pre3 Disables the fortune enchantment affecting block drops
Old lapis drops B1.2-B1.2_02 Makes lapis ore drop 1 lapis per block mined
No potion effects B1.8 Disables players having/pertaining potion effects
Old ocelot R1.2.1-R1.14 Makes ocelot tameable by feeding them raw fishes, turning them into cats when done so
Old sponges C0.0.19a-I201-2 Makes sponges continously drain 5x5x5 areas, as they did in classic
Old wolf variant B1.4-R1.20.5 Makes all wolves have the same, old, wolf variant/texture
No breeding C0.24-B1.8 Disables the breeding of animals/mobs
Shield indicator CTS 3 Returns the shield indicator feature from the combat test snapshots
Heal on sleep MCPE A0.5.0 Returns the minecraft pocket edition feature from it's alpha v0.5.0, where sleeping in beds healed the player
Old iron golem knockback R1.2.1-R1.9 Disables iron golem's 100% knockback resistance, which was introduced in R1.9
No hero of the village gifts B1.9-R1.14 Disables villagers dropping gift items to players who have the 'hero of the village' effect
Popcorn smelting I129-I219 Brings back the smelting of items mechanic from indev, where items would be smelt by dropping them into lava/fire, causing them to jump towards random directions, upwards, like popcorn
Old boat crashing A1.0.6-R1.9 Makes boats "crash" upon hitting solid blocks at high speeds, just as they did prior to R1.9 (boats will drop themselves when crashing unless 'old boat crash drops' is enabled!)
Old animal spawning A1.2.0-B1.8 Emulates the spawning of animals from alpha & beta
Old endermen B1.8-R1.0 Brings back B1.8 endermen behaviour, where they would display smoke particles, had zombie sounds and would burn under sunlight
Snowball fireballs A1.2.0-B1.9 Makes fireballs appear as snowballs, like they did prior to B1.9, where they were given the fire charge texture instead
Old brewing stand B1.9pre2-R1.9 Emulates pre-R1.9 brewing stand behaviour, making fuel always be at max when brewing
Herobrine A1.0.3-B1.6 Adds back herobrine...
No offhand I1231-R1.9 Disables the use of the offhand slot, if any item is placed on it, it will be dropped in place, instead
Old mineshaft chests B1.8-R1.5 Turns mineshaft minecarts into chests, as they were prior to R1.5
Silent villagers B1.9-R1.5 Removes villager and witch noises
Old tool damage (MultiVersion) Makes tools use the damage values of older versions, this module is seperated into 3 'version-groups' which can be toggled: beta / early release / early-mid release
Old boat positioning logic R1.8-R1.9 Brings back an old bug where mobs like zombies/skeletons wouldn't burn when riding boats, meanwhile endermen were damaged when riding boats on water
No dead bush shearing B1.6-R1.2.1 Disables dead bushes dropping themselves when broken with shears
No dead bush stick drops B1.6-R1.9 Disables sticks dropping when breaking dead bushes
No morning cat gifts R1.2.1-R1.14 Disables cats dropping gift items to their owners when they wake up
Old armor mechanics I218-B1.9 Emulates pre-B1.9 armor mechanics, where their protection values were based on durability
No tooltips B1.0-R1.0 Hides/disables items' tooltips (names are still kept, they can also be disabled, through the 'no item names' module!)
Lit lamp silk touch drops R1.2.1-R1.7.2 Returns an old bug where mining lit redstone lamps with silk touch tools would drop the lit variant of that block
Old glinted items B1.9pre2-R1.19.4 Makes potions use the enchantment glint
Old golden apples (MultiVersion) Returns the golden apple effects from older versions, this module is seperated into 3 different 'version groups' which can be toggled: late beta / early release / early-mid release
Old enchanted golden apples (MultiVersion) Returns the enchanted golden apple effects from older versions, this module is seperated into 2 different 'version groups' which can be toggled: early release / early-mid release
Slimes don't swim A1.0.11-R1.8 Returns older slime behaviour, where they couldn't swim when entering water, making them simply sink
No bookshelf drops C0.26-B1.9pre3 Disables bookshelf blocks' drops, as they did not have any prior to B1.9pre3
No shulker drops R1.9-R1.11 Disables shulker drops, as they didn't have any prior to R1.11
Players drop apples IF227-R1.3.1 This is more of a reference or joke module, based on an old feature where Notch would drop apples on death (if this module is enabled, all players drop an apple when they die)
Constant love hearts B1.9pre2-R1.3 Returns an old feature which was broken upon the 1.3 update due to the internal server changes, where animals which are willing to breed will constantly display heart particles until it is no longer the case
Undead mobs swim C0.24-R1.13 Allows undead mobs like zombies and skeletons to swim up in water like any other mobs, just as they used to
No drowned conversions C0.24-R1.13 Disables zombies/husks/etc turning into drowneds when in water, also makes them take drowning damage if they run out of air, just like they did up until R1.13
Redstone dot placement R1.0-R1.16 Redstone used to be placed as a cross, as it does in modern, although, in R1.0, this was changed as to make singular redstone wires appear as "dots" which was reverted years later in R1.16 to crosses by default while being able to toggle between both shapes/mechanics through right clicking the wire. This module makes single redstone wires use the dot shape by default instead of the cross (still allows right clicking to toggle between shapes) [this module is EXPERIMENTAL!]
No zombie reinforcements C0.24-R1.6.1 Disables the zombie reinforcement mechanic added in R1.6.1, where they can spawn more nearby zombies when hit
No item names I0.31-B1.0 Hides items' names when hovering over them and when equipping/scrolling through them
Silent squids B1.2-R1.9 Mutes squids, as they did not have/play any sounds up until R1.9
Old tilling I206-B1.6 Allows you to till grass blocks to get wheat seeds. This is so, as up until B1.6, wheat seeds did not drop from grass (as it did not exist) and so players would aquire seeds by tilling grass blocks!
No squid despawning B1.2-B1.7 Disables squid despawning, this was a "feature"/bug from early to late beta where squids would not despawn like other mobs, and as so, would be commonly used as pets in aquariums at the time
No spider jockeys C0.26-A1.0.17 Disables spider jockeys
No chicken jockeys A1.0.14-R1.7.4 Disables chicken jockeys
No skeleton horse jockeys R1.6.1-R1.9 Disables skeleton horse jockeys/traps
Killer rabbits 14w27a-14w34a Returns killer rabbits into the game! bunnies will have the same amount of chance as they did (1/2500) to rather turn into killer rabbits!
No trims <R1.20 Removes trims from equipped, trimmed armor pieces
Old sharpness B1.9pre3-R1.9 Reverts the attack damage value calculations from the sharpness enchantment to those from older versions
Arrows don't burn victims <R1.1 Disables arrows that are on fire setting ablaze the victims they reach
No endermites from pearls B1.8-R1.9 Removes endermites spawning from ender pearls
Old tool durability [Multi-Version] Brings back old tool durability values. This is a multi-version module which encompasses all durability groups from I128 to A1.0.3 (tools' durability changed one last time in B1.2, and never changed again, meaning disabling this module is the same as B1.2+ durability)
Old fishing loot [Multi-Version] Makes fishing loot the same as it was in older versions. This is a multi-version module and so, envelops all changes/versions from A1.2.0-R1.16
Old dungeon chest loot [Multi-Version] Makes the chests in dungeons have their older loot tables. This multi-version module covers changes/versions from A1.0.14-R1.9, the loot was changed one last time in R1.18, which is still used in modern of course, which can be aquired by disabling the module
Old nether fortress chest loot [Multi-Version] Makes the chests from nether fortresses contain their older loot. This muli-version module encompasses changes/versions spanning from R1.6.1-R1.9, the loot was changed one last time in 1.20, which you can get, of course, by disabling the module
Old stronghold chest loot [Multi-Version] Makes stronghold chests' have the same loot as older versions did. This multi-version module covers changes/versions in loot from B1.8-R1.18, the last change in its' loot was in 1.20, which can be gotten by disabling the module
Old desert pyramid chest loot [Multi-Version] Makes desert pyramids' chests contain their older loot. This multi-version module covers the loot changes from R1.3.1-R1.9, the latest change was in R1.20, which can be aquired by disabling the module
Old jungle temple chest loot [Multi-Version] Makes jungle temples/pyramids' chest loot the same as it was in older versions of the game. This multi-version module covers changes in the loot from R1.3.1-R1.14, the last change was in R1.20, you can disable the module to get the 1.20+ loot tables
Old mineshaft chest loot [Multi-Version] Makes the old mineshaft chests' loot the same as it was in older versions. This multi-version module includes changes in the loot from B1.8-R1.17, in which the latest loot change, in R1.20.2, which can be aquired through disabling the module
Old pillager outpost chest loot [Multi-Version] Makes the chests in pillager outposts contain the same loot as in older versions. This multi-version module includes the loot from R1.14-R1.19, the latest change was in R1.20, which can be gotten again by disabling the module
Old bartering loot [Multi-Version] Returns the old loot that players would aquire by bartering with piglins. This multi-version module covers the loot from 20w07a-R1.16, you can disable the module to get the modern loot tables for it (1.16.2+)
Old villagers [Multi-Version] Reverts villagers' behaviour and trades (This module is a port of FungIsSquish's "retro villagers" datapack that has since been heavily modified to be implemented into Classic Mechanics. Props to FungIsSquish for the original code!)
Old painting variants [Multi-Version] Replaces placed paintings with variants from older versions
Shields block 50% of damage N/A Makes shields only ever block 50% of incoming damage to it's user. This module was made to parity the old sword-blocking feature from B1.8-R1.9 versions
Disable sleep N/A Disables sleeping in beds, still allows players to set their spawn in them
No fish <R1.13 Disables fish from existing in the world, as parity with pre-R1.13 versions
Old jumping PC131655-R1.9 Brings back the old jumping strength/height amount from pre-R1.9 versions (jumping height was slightly buffed in R1.9)
Old sheep health C0.28-B1.9pre3 Makes sheep have their old health amount (5 hearts/10hp)
Old spider health C0.26-B1.9pre2 Makes spiders have their old health amount (10 hearts/20hp)
Old cave spider health B1.8-B1.9pre2 Makes cave spiders have their old health amount (10 hearts/20hp)
Old silverfish health B1.8-B1.9pre2 Makes silverfish have their old health amount (10 hearts/20hp)
Ownerless fireworks R1.4.6-R1.16 Brings back an old bug, where fireworks would not store data on where/from who they came from, allowing players to damage neutral mobs while not aggro-ing them
No zombie base armor C0.24-R1.0 In R1.0, zombies were buffed to have 2 armor points by default, even if they did not wear any armor. This module reverts this change
Giants spawn I205-I??? (A lot of these indev versions have been since lost to time, and so, it isn't exactly known when natural giant spawns were removed) Brings back natural giant spawns. This module tries to replicate their spawning functionality as faithfully as possible with the information that has been available for giants. It also makes them fully functional!
No daylight baby zombie burning R1.4.2-R1.13 Returns an old bug/"feature" where baby zombies would not burn due to sunlight if they were exposed to it
Old placement reach PC132211-R1.3 Prior to R1.3, players could only ever place blcoks up to 4 meters away, this was slightly buffed in R1.3, where it was changed to 4.5 meters. This module reverts this change, bringing back the old block placement reach/range
No wolves <B1.4 Disables the existence of wolves... Better than datapacks!
No elytra usage <R1.9 Disables players from wearing elytras
No weather <B1.5 Disables the weather system
Old despawning <B1.8 Returns the old mob despawning mechanics from pre-B1.8 versions. Does not affect mobs that have been named/tamed/etc
Old witch drops R1.4.2-R1.21 Makes the witch drops the same as it was before R1.21, where witches got a heavy buff in their redstone drops
No stick drops from leaves C0.0.14a-R1.14 Disables leaves dropping sticks
No apple drops from leaves C0.0.14a-R1.1 While apples were in the game prior to R1.1, they could not be aquired from leaves up until that point. This module disables apples dropping from leaf blocks
No ice silk touch drops B1.9pre6-R1.3.1 From B1.9pre6, up until R1.3.1, ice blocks would not drop if mined with silk touch-enchanted tools; this was to prevent players from placing them in the nether, which could melt into water. This module does just that and disables ice blocks being dropped by silk touch tools
No boat sounds A1.0.6-R1.9 Disables boat sounds, as they did not produce any up until R1.9
No minecart sounds IF618-R1.4.2 Disables all minecarts' sounds, as none of them produced any up until R1.4.2
Old bone meal B1.2-R1.5 Brings back the old bone meal mechanics, where they would immediately grow plants/crops/saplings when the user right clicked the block. This module also brings this functionality to modern blocks, like R1.16's nether fungi, R1.19's mangrove propagule, R1.20's cherry sapling, etc, etc!
No bow durability I122-R1.0 Disables the durability functionality from bows, since, prior to R1.0, they did not have any!
Old zombie sounds C0.24-A1.0.3 Disables zombies' idle sounds and makes their damage sound the same as the players' (zombies were only given their own seperate sounds in A1.0.3)
Impersistent placed leaves I218-B1.8 Makes leaves placed by players decayable, as they were in pre-B1.8 versions
Solid cobwebs B1.6-B1.7 During the testing phases of cobwebs in beta, during B1.6 through B1.7, cobwebs acted as solid blocks, even though you could pass through them, making entities that are within cobweb blocks suffocate just like they would with other solid blocks
Old tool effectiveness <R1.0 Returns the old breakability of blocks relating to tools, some of the notable features for this module includes pickaxes being less effective with breaking furnaces, axes not being effective with breaking crafting tables, pickaxes not being effective against rails, etc
No item breaking effects <R1.0 Disables tool and armor items producing sounds and displaying particles when breaking (when their durability is at 0)
Old snow block drops A1.0.5-A1.1.1 Makes snow blocks drop 6 snowballs instead of 4, as they would
No experience <B1.8 Disables the existence of XP orbs and players having experience levels
No string placement I129-R1.3.1 Disables players placing string/tripwire
Sleep resets weather cycle B1.3-R1.18 In R1.18, the world's weather cycle would only ever be reset after sleeping if you slept during the rain/during a thunderstorm, meaning you could sleep and in the morning it could start to rain. This module makes the weather cycle be reset even if you sleep during clear weather
Old projectile motion <R1.9 Makes it so when a player throws projectiles, the projectile does not take into account the player's motion into its own velocity (Note that currently, this only works/this is only made for snowballs/eggs/ender pearls)
Ghasts display fire A1.2.0-R1.6.1 Makes ghasts visually display themselves as being on fire when flying into lava/fire/soul fire. This was removed in R1.6.1 due to the fact that ghasts are fire-immune
Old food <B1.8 Returns the old, pre-B1.8 foods system, where all food items can only stack up to 1 item, players can right click the food to instantly eat, food directly heals the player on immediate use
Dropped items reset durability <A1.0.17 Returns an old bug where dropped tool items get their durability reset
Old bows I122-B1.8 Returns the old, pre-b1.8, bow mechanics: right clicking instantly fires arrows, bows do not receive durability damage, arrows use old motion/gravity logic
Minecart boosters I618-B1.6 Returns the minecart booster bug, where minecarts close to the sides of other minecarts can "boost" eachother
Minecart camera rotation I624-R1.3.1 Returns the old feature where minecart passengers' camera rotates according to their minecarts turning
Old minecart riding I624-R1.3.1 Brings back old general minecart riding mechanics: pressing WASD won't push the minecart in certain directions; dismounting minecarts moves the player above the minecart instead of around it
Faithful boat particles [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old boat particles' - allows boats to display the water particles even if on land
Old boat crash drops [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old boat crashing' - makes boats drop planks and sticks when crashing, instead of boat items
Endermite soulsand damage [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'silverfish soulsand damage' - allows endermites to take damage when standing on soul sand
Old-like drops [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old mob drops' - makes modern mobs have beta-esque item drops
Detect inventory (no tooltips) [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'no tooltips' - allows detecting more slots at the cost of performance
No potion tooltips [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'no tooltips' - disables potions' tooltips aswell
Lit lamps drop with glint [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old lit lamp silk touch drops' - makes lit redstone lamps' drops use enchantment glints to differentiate them
Check containers (no item names) [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'no item names' - allows the module to detect more slots (like those from chests/anvils/barrels/etc) at the cost of performance
Faithful old rabbits [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old rabbits' - makes them have their old, R1.8, health values and disables fall damage for them
Silent glow squids [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'silent squids' - mutes glow squids aswell
No seed drops from grass [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old tilling' - makes grass not drop seeds when broken
No glow squid despawning [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'no squid despawning' - disables despawning of glow squids
Snowball blaze fireballs [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'snowball fireballs' - makes blazes' fireballs also render as snowballs (this was never in the game, but I thought it would be interesting parity!)
Old durability on modern tools [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old tool durability' - makes new tools such as the mace, trident and netherite tools have similar durability as to the old values
Message players on sleep [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'disable sleep' - sends a message to players trying to sleep, indicating that sleeping is disabled
Old endermen health [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old endermen' - makes endermen have the same amount of health as they did prior to B1.9pre3 (10 hearts/20hp)
Entities trample farmland [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old farmland' - takes into account entities walking over farmland, letting them trample it if it isn't placed over fences/walls/gates
Zombie-like giants [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'giants spawn' - makes giants a lot more zombie-like, allowing them to aquire/wear/use armor/tools, burn under sunlight, etc. This also changes their spawning conditions, making them only ever spawn in the surface during night time in dark areas
No old wolf spawning [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old animal spawning' - prevents wolves from being spawned by the old animal spawning mechanic
No frost silk touch drops [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'no ice silk touch drops' - disables other ice-like blocks from being silk-touched, this includes packed ice, blue ice, etc
Old huge mushrooms [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old bone meal' - prior to B1.8pre2, when growing mushrooms into huge mushrooms, the block underneath them would turn into dirt, this module returns this "bug"!
No crossbow durability [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'no bow durability' - disables the durability functionality of crossbows
Old foods give effects [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old food' - allows certain foods to give the user effects or act upon certain mechanics (like rotten flesh giving hunger or chorus fruit teleporting the player)
Milk clears effects [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old food' - Makes milk clear all effects from the user
No hunger [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old food' - Disables the hunger system
Old bows accept enchantments [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old bows' - allows arrows fired from enchanted bows to be affected by said enchantments
Old bow block interactions [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'old bows' - returns an old bug from I122-A1.2.6 where players would fire arrows if they interacted with blocks while having a bow in their hand
Admin-only reload messages [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'send message on reload' - makes the reload message only appear for players tagged with the 'CM.Admin' tag
Fall damage breaks boats [Sub-Setting] Makes it so boats can break if they fall into solid blocks from tall heights, like they did prior to the boat rehaul from R1.9
Minecarts rotate all entities [Sub-Setting] Sub-setting of 'minecart camera rotation' - makes minecarts rotate all entities instead of only players
No booster minecart friction [Sub-Setting] Disables the friction system for boosted minecarts off rails
Minecart boost time [Dynamic Setting] Sub-setting of 'minecart boosters' - allows the editing of the boost time increase from minecart boosts
Minecart boost friction [Dynamic Setting] Sub-setting of 'minecart boosters' - allows the editing of the amount of friction gained by boosted minecarts outside of rails
Main menu sounds [Dynamic Setting Allows the user to define the sound played when the main options menu is opened
Page change sounds Dynamic Setting Allows the user to define the sounds that are played when going through pages in the options menus
Module toggle sounds Dynamic Setting Allows the user to define the sounds that are played when you press the enable/disable buttons on modules
No function messages N/A Disables the sending of function-trigger messages and the like
Do scores on reload N/A This module is rather more technical and used mostly for datapack purposes, prior to v1.1.0 of this pack, scores would be added and pre-set everytime the world would load or /reload would trigger. When enabled, this module will do such rather than only doing so when first loading in the datapack, this is useful if you're debugging or updating from versions 1.0.0/1.0.1 to a more recent version of the pack
Reset triggers on load N/A Used mainly for fail-safe(ing) purposes. Resets common module triggers on loading/reloading the pack
Tag yourself as admin N/A Tags the player that clicked this module with the 'CM.Admin' tag
Give yourself the handbook N/A Gives the player who clicked the "Give" button a copy of the classic mechanics handbook, which has some information about the datapack
Instant modules N/A Makes some mechanics trigger instantly at the cost of performance
Detect server software on load N/A Detects what server software Classic Mechanics is installed in (if any) and sends informational messages to admins
Tag as admin on menu opening N/A Tags the player as an admin when opening the Classic Mechanics main menu
Loading messages N/A Sends messages to players tagged as admins to inform them about the loading process of Classic Mechanics
Instant loading N/A Makes Classic Mechanics load instantly instead of loading through various ticks
Uninstall N/A Simply uninstalls Classic Mechanics
Disable all N/A Disables all modules! This has the same functionality as the '[disable all]' buttons in the presets category!


classic mechanics!

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Licensed CC0-1.0
Published 10 months ago
Updated 18 days ago