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Fixed an issue with slow wire speed, so it can be used with timing properly.

This is a pretty small update, mostly just addressing the Tesla Core and how weak it previously was. It now deals more damage, in a larger radius, and will have an AOE when striking water. You can also use a capacitor with it, and it can zap multiple entities at a time as long as it has enough power. There is also a chance for mobs that would normally be affected by lightning to be affected by the it, such as creepers becoming charged. On that note, Iron Golems can be charged, doubling their movement speed for one minute, and Tridents with channeling have this chance to summon lightning when zapped by a Tesla Core.

Many changes have been made from the previous version. For a full walkthrough, watch the video I made for this update. As an overview though: Oxidation has been changed for the blocks used in this pack. A proper right-click functionality has been added for wire insulation. Lighting bolts supercharge wires, giving them a stronger output. Tesla Cores have been added, allowing you to create Tesla Towers that shock nearby mobs and players, as well as power wires in pulses.

-This update includes the ability to use Concrete as wire insulation. Simply drop it onto a wire to cover it, preventing contact damage and also color-coding your wires. If you break the wire, the insulation block will drop for you to use again. I plan on changing this to a right click system, but just didn't get around to it this time. -Oxidation of copper blocks affects how they work with the system. For an explanation, see my 3.0 update video. -Levers can be used to prevent output from a functional block, even when power is going into it. -Inverted daylight detectors no longer send power through bulbs, but connected Redstone dust (at signal strength 15) can. -Fixed an issue with items being killed by wire contact damage. -Optimized things more

The whole system has been changed! Wires are now much faster, keeping up with and even outpacing Redstone in most cases. Transformers are no longer required, instead, Copper Bulbs can power wires as long as they are recieving a signal strength of 15 from an adjacent block. Copper Grates have been replaced by the regular copper block as a tranmitter/logic gate. The Cut copper block can be used to create XOR/Invert gates. The grate is now a capacitor, with a max capacity and a visual charge level indicator, good for power storage and large mechanisms that depend on timing. Water can be electrified, dealing damage to mobs within an extra block further than outside of water. The whole system has been optimized many times over, so you should have no issues regarding performance.

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Licensed MIT
Published 6 months ago
Updated 4 months ago