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IMPORTANT: Remember to copy the datapack in both the resourcepack folder and the datapack folder if you are not using the mod version so you can have new textures for the new items :)

Welcome to Deadly Deadly Dungeon

Deadly Deadly Dungeon (DDD) add new sprawling randomly generated dungeons with multiple levels of difficulty, loot and bosses. The datapack is ideal if you want an adventure or a real challenge. Difficulty level will increase while you descend into the dungeon and loot will be better. The structure is built with a double randomization method, so rooms and halls will be arranged in different ways every time, but also the rooms themselves will change. All of this makes every dungeon different and unique, but remember, don't get lost! The are plenty of rooms and halls with their respective variant and you shouldn't get bored soon. I built everything with extreme care and attention to details so i really hope that you can enjoy :) I tried making everything as vanilla friendly as possible and i think that the datapack fits well in the base game, but i let you decide.

8 different dungeons are present:

  • Major plains dungeon
  • Major desert dungeon
  • Major frozen dungeon
  • Minor plains dungeon
  • Minor desert dungeon
  • Minor frozen dungeon
  • Monolithic tower
  • Spider lair

Major dungeons are available only in the experimental versions of the data pack for performance issues (Spawning time too long, up to 3 minutes). They are massive sprawling structures that span for thousands of blocks, you will need some real time weeks to fully explore them, but for sure you will have fun! Minor dungeons are the smaller variants but they are large enough to have a good adventure and the features are the same of the major ones.

Plains dungeons spawn in the plains and in sunflower plains, they are mossy underground complex infested by mobs. Desert dungeons spawn in the desert and in the badlands, they have sandstone like texture and husks generate here instead of regular zombies. Frozen dungeons spawn in snowy plains and ice spikes, they are difficult to navigate due to snow and ice, here strays are common and ready to ruin your day.

Lairs of the spiders are scattered around the world in hot and temperate biomes. For hundreds of years the spiders have dug and dug into the depths of the earth until they created a complex and sophisticated structure to fit their needs, needless to say, human sense of direction was not one of them. This is an hostile environment, their home, they are hungry and you are definitely not welcome. If you are willing to go to the bottom of the situation maybe you can discover the source of all this organization and industriousness, they are for sure lead by something... If you get out alive of course.

Monolithic towers stand sternly in the various forests of the world. It's been a long time since they became silent, but their inhabitants are still there, will it be wise to disturb them?

All of this is the bulk of the pack for now since other biomes variants and other stuff is planned but i don't know to what extent. Others dungeons like other towers, nether dungeons and more are in my mind, but the journey will be long and the work tedious, so do not expect anything of that in the near future.

The real question now is: Can you beat the dungeon or you will fail? Will you emerge victorious or you will be lost in the forever darkness of the lower levels?

Compatibility with other mods/datapacks

  • Terralith
  • Biomes O'Plenty
  • As long the needed vanilla (or modded) biomes are present the mod is compatible

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published 9 months ago
Updated 3 months ago