Ocean Monument Overhaul
Replacing the normal Ocean Monument this version is much rarer, much MUCH harder and cannot be easely turned into a prismarine farm. but it gives you tridens and hearts of the seas

Ominous Vaults and Trident Trial Boss Keys
There Exist 2 Ominous Vaults whithin the structure, 1 is in lowest part of the structure and Guranteed to give you a heart of the sea, the other at the highest point guranteed to give you a Trident. They only Accept Trident Trial Boss Keys.

Labyrinths Center
In the Center of each of the 2 Labyrinths is a room guarded by 1 Elder Guardian and a Grant Prismarine structure, the Classic Dark Prismarine Vault containing gold blocks and 1 Ominous Vault. The other a Conduit Frame and the Entry to the Boss Chamber

Vaults and Trident Trial Keys
This structure relies heavily on Trial Spawner which have the chance to drop Trident Trial keys, you can only use those here and the vaults only accept them. Using the datapack can also be used as Resourcepack when put in the Resourcepack folder

The Main Lobby accesable from the mini monuments around the Main structure contains entries into the different layers of this structure and a Drowned Swarm Trial Spawner in the center of the room. dont get overwealmed

Mini Monument Chamber
The 8 Small Monuments around the main structure contain 1 arena with a trial spawner spawning Elder Guardians. good way to ease you in on how this structure works

Boss Arena
At the 2nd Highest Point of this structure is a Boss Chamber containing a Trial Spawner spawning 3 Elder Guardians with suport Trial Spawner. The Elder Guardian Trial Spawner always gives out Trident Trial Boss Keys and rarely a heart of the sea